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  • 12 Apostles – Unity in Prayer

    Written by Alina Muraru, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Romania 2023 02 Alina Muraru

    We all know that prayer, the highest form of communication, is a privileged dialog between us and God, our Father who created us. What is unity? It is congruency between thoughts, feelings, will, words, and actions. In the past two years when I prayed to our Father, there were many times when I couldn't even utter the words because of the pain I was feeling inside.

    I have no doubt that each one of us has faced different struggles—times that were handled easier/harder than others. During those hardships, I learned how important it is to be aware that God is always with me/us. Sometimes, so many times, we tend to forget, but even so, He is still with us, as stated in Matthew 28:20 NASB:

    …and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”;and Deuteronomy 31:8: “And the Lord is the one who is going ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Do not fear and do not be dismayed.”

    Yes, God is always with us, and when we are praying together in unity as sisters in Christ, we experience God's presence at a deeper level. As Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

    We also know from the Bible that we have access to His presence by reading Ephesians 3:12. "... in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him,"and Psalm 133:1, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!"

    Unity among His people is so important to God. It pleases Him when He sees His people dwelling together in unity. This is also of great importance when we pray together. It was significant when the apostles of Jesus prayed to God to show them who was the one God desired to replace Judas. We can read about this in the Book of Acts, chapter 1, verse 14. “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.“

    Christian unity is the result of God bringing together people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and social classes into one family, or body, by faith in Christ.

    “Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.”(1 Cor. 12:27)

    For you are all sons and daughters of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.(Gal. 3:26-28)

    Prayer not only connects us with our Creator but also to one another. When we pray to God together, we experience the most important, significant, and deepest communication that can exist, and we are certain that God is listening when we ask for things in faith, in wisdom, and in harmony with God's Word. "And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:13-14).

    When we are too hurt to be able to utter some words to give content to our plea, the Holy Spirit is always there to act as an intermediary for us in prayer in concordance with God's will. 

    "Now, in the same way, the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." (Rom. 8:26-27)

    It is also important that women who pray together,pray with the same mind and for the same purpose, encouraging one another and being content with what they already have.

  • A Legacy of Faith

    Written by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas 2020 07 Deanna Brooks

    “Legacy” is defined as a long-lasting impact of action. We all have a legacy that goes in two directions: influence on us from those who went before us, and our influence on those who come along behind us.

    Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:5 (ESV), “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”

    Not everyone has a parent or grandparent to lead them. We need to be watchful for those we can help.

    2 Timothy 2:2 is important in our walk of faith; it tells us to share what we know. “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” Our legacy of faith is an ongoing chain where one shares what he learns, then that person shares with someone else… and the message continues to spread.

    Think about how you learned to cook. For many of us, we were taught by a mother or grandmother, and when we had children, we taught them (and maybe some of their friends). Now we see our children teaching their children to cook. In our family, my grandchildren enjoy a pound cake recipe that goes back to my grandmother who married in 1913.

    Our faith grows as we interact with those who have gone before us. Ask questions about how they came to faith or the special people who influenced them. Listening to others is an important part of inheriting a legacy of faith.

    As we pass down that legacy, it is not always necessary to sit down with a Bible to teach. When you teach someone to bake a cake, mention Elijah and the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. When you turn on the faucet for water, talk about Rebecca drawing water for Abraham’s servant’s camels in Genesis 24. Short, simple comments plant the seed for more in-depth study.

    My grandmother was blind from the time I was 10, but she could relate beautiful word pictures. She and Grandad always got to know the children in the neighborhood where they lived, especially the “unchurched,” and when these children would come over for homemade cookies and milk, my grandparents would tell them Bible stories. Some of these children are now preachers, elders, deacons, and Bible class teachers.

    Opportunities to share our faith are all around us. The Bible is full of everyday events that tell of God’s Message, and we can use similar times in our lives to connect with that message.

    We have been given a beautiful story… One more important than the trivial conversations we often have.

    The simple story we need to be able to share has these highlights:

    • There is one God who created the world, including man.
    • Man sinned, destroying his relationship with God.
    • God loved man… Genesis 3 contains the first prophecy of a Redeemer to restore that relationship.
    • Over 800 Old Testament prophesies tell of the coming Messiah.
    • Jesus the Christ came to earth, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, and rose on the 3rd day. He returned to His Father until the time when He will come back to take us home with Him to the Father.
    • Faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God is the beginning of our relationship with God.
    • Repentance and immersion for the remission of sins follow as demonstrations of that faith.
    • Continuing to live a faithful life takes us home to God.

    In Deuteronomy 6:7, the Israelites are told, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Sharing our legacy of faith is part of daily life.

    Some of Jesus’ last words to His apostles were in Matthew 28:20, “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

    If the message is in our hearts, it is easy to be aware of times to share the good news. Let’s be sure we do!

  • A New Creation in Christ

    Michelle Written by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Executive Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    When Nicodemus, a teacher of the law, came to Jesus in the middle of the night, the concept of being born again was incomprehensible. Somewhat sarcastically, he asked how someone who was old could enter again into his mother’s womb. Jesus responded to a fleshly question with a spiritual answer.

    Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” (Jn 3:5-6)

    Through His death, burial, and resurrection, we are invited into newness of life, reborn and redeemed. The old is gone. The new has come... by being born again.

    Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
    For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. (Ro 6:3-5)

    I love the parallel between Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection and our own through baptism! In Him, we “may live a new life.” Paul continues his letter to the Romans by clarifying what we die to in order to walk in newness of life.

    I cannot keep walking forward when the past is weighing me down. I cannot continue to live entrenched in sin and claim to have a new life in Jesus. If I pretend that I can do both, 1 John 1:10 says that I am deceiving myself and the truth is not in me.

    United with Christ, we can truly die to our past way of life and leave behind any and all things that separate us from God. I long to live as a new creation in Christ. I hate when my sinful attitudes, words, and actions return. My sins may not be as obvious as others’, but they are no less sins.

    Only you truly know what God has redeemed you from—a dramatic betrayal, a hidden addiction, habitual lying, a toxic past, jealousy, crude language… When we accept God’s offer for a new life through His Son, He provides a way for us to reject any sin that defines us. Rather, for those who have joined with Christ in baptism, we take on a new name, a new identity, a fully redeemed life. He welcomes us to begin anew.

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1Jn 1:9)

    No matter what our physical or spiritual age, we mess up while living out that new life in Christ. We can rejoice greatly that God provided the perfect sacrifice of His Son’s blood to wash us clean anew, ushering us into a new day, whose mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:23).

    Does that mean that we can dance back and forth between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, lies and truth? No (2Co 6:14-16)! At the beginning of Romans 6, Paul says, “By no means!” Once we have died to sin, once we have come to know the light, once we have walked in the truth, we cannot be tempted to relish in its falsely advertised, temporary, and empty “satisfaction.”

    Now, before you beat yourself up about how many times today you have already acted like the “old self” instead of the one made new in Christ, I want to share these two promises:

    Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (Heb 10:22)

    Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Ac 2:38)

    Ladies, God knew that we could not do this new life on our own! God gave us the Holy Spirit, a part of Himself through which we truly can live as a new creation in Christ.

    What will it look like for you today to live as a new creation in Christ? 

  • Adoption

    Beliza Patricia 320 1Written by Beliza Patricia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Joao Pessoa, Brazil.

    In Brazil we have an expression: “But I’m also a son/daughter of God!”

    Usually, people will say this after spending more money than they should, or after reacting badly to a situation. In other words, they will use this expression in an indirect way, when what’s really being said is: “Because I am a child of God, I have certain rights…”

    The fact is that not everybody is a son/daughter of God, even though we are all His creation. And indeed, His children receive privileges, but none of it is because of our own merits. So how do I know if I am a child of God or not?

    “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”(John 1:12-13)

    What makes us children of God is the belief in Jesus Christ. It is receiving Him as Lord and Savior of our lives. And the truth is that God was the one who made all of this possible.

    While some people will use the expression “I am a son/daughter of God” as a fundamental and inalienable right, the Bible tells us something different.

    among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.”(Eph. 2:3)

    Sin pushes us away from God. We were deserving of God’s wrath because we disobeyed. We didn’t obey His will. But God’s love is so immeasurable that through Jesus, He saved us! And there’s more! There was nothing we could do to obtain that through our own efforts.

    Through Jesus, He redeemed us: He resurrected us and promised us eternal life while we were dead in our transgressions. He justified us: He declared we were righteous even though we didn’t deserve it. He adopted us: He received legally as His children, part of His family. Adoption is a blessing decreed by God.

    The adopted ones receive guidance, instruction, protection, correction, and safeguarding from God. And one last gift that is so important: He gives us eternal life.

    Try to comprehend how big God’s love is for us: He could give us eternal life through Jesus and still reserve for us the role of being just servants. That would already demonstrate mercy from Him. But He does more than that!

    We cannot forget that our adoption into God’s family happens only by His grace, not by our works. But what we receive freely had a high cost for God.

    “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”(Gal. 4:4-5)

    Redemption is a rescue that means obtaining or freeing, upon the payment of a price. Our adoption was very costly to God. It cost His Son’s life. Yes, Jesus had rights, but He never sinned (1 Pet. 1:22). Through Him all things were created (Col. 1:16). Without Him nothing would have been made (John 1:3). And yet, because He loved us, He emptied Himself and became like us to pay the price for our sins (Phil. 2:6-8). We can never forget that free adoption for us was costly to God.

    I said that the adoption (that is undeserved) gives us privileges. Some of the privileges for those adopted by God are:

    • Having a Father/son or Father/daughter relationship with God. (1 John 3:1)
    • Knowing God takes care of our necessities. (Matt. 6:32)
    • Knowing God blesses us (Matt. 7:11)
    • Being guided by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14)
    • Being disciplined by God (yes, discipline is a privilege!) (Heb. 12:6)

    And returning to the famous phrase: “But I am also a son/daughter of God!”, those who claim to be sons and daughters must remember that the adoption as His children comes with a transformation guided by the Holy Spirit. Our actions, our thoughts, desires, words, everything is modified when we become children of God. Our behavior must be like our Heavenly Father’s (Eph. 5:1).

    “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.”(Gal. 3:26)

  • All the Women

    Written by Kat Bittner, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado Kat Bittner 320

    “When we denigrate a woman, we are in fact diminishing part of the image of God.”–Christine Caine, Unashamed

    My husband has often remarked that, historically, women’s suffering lies in the hearts of men. He believes the lack of regard for women is rooted in men who did not and do not “see” women as God intended. And if men had regarded women as Jesus did in His relationships with them, no woman would have ever felt slighted.

    If we know anything from Jesus’ relationships, it is that they were intentional. They had a clear purpose and were focused even from the moment His first relationship was contrived (1 John 4:14, Matt. 1: 21-23). Jesus’ relationship with the twelve apostles, with those He healed and to whom He ministered were all purpose-driven relationships. And that intentionality was also poured into the many women in Jesus’ circle.

    The first woman in Jesus’ circle was His mother, Mary. She was a model of godliness, a woman who “found favor with God” (Luke 1:30, NLT), and she was an intimate witness to Jesus’ divine nature and purpose (Luke 1:31-35). Mary was a key player in the first public miracle of Jesus (John 2:1-11). And as the mother of the most Holy, she had what was probably a very daunting task. To care for and raise the Savior of the world, the One by whom she herself would be delivered had to be most intimidating. Yet she was honored and cherished by Jesus, exemplified by His declaration to ensure that she was properly cared for after He died (John 19:26-27).

    Also counted among Jesus’ personal circle of women friends were Martha and Mary. Scripture tells us that “Jesus loved Martha and her sister” (John 11:5, NKJV) and that these women passionately served and learned from Jesus (John 12:1-3, 7; Luke 10:38-42). Through these women Jesus taught that fulfilling our spiritual responsibilities should be of utmost importance. Women, too, are called to learn from Jesus, apply the Word of God and be disciples. Additionally, Jesus’ love for them and their brother, Lazarus, was the impetus for raising Lazarus from the dead thereby witnessing God’s glory to a multitude. That was the kind of intentional relationship Jesus had with Mary and Martha. Jesus valued it. He valued them.

    And then there’s Mary Magdalene, a woman who is almost always mentioned first among the female disciples and leaders (Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2; Matt. 27:56, 61). After being “healed of evil spirits and deformities… out of whom had come seven demons” (Luke 8:2, NKJV), this Mary dedicated her life to Jesus and was with Him when He died (Luke 8:1-3; John 19:25). Perhaps the most intentional thing to happen to Mary Magdalene was to be the first witness of Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:11-18). Women were not known for being credible witnesses in that age, so it was a purposeful and focused thing to have Mary first testify that Jesus had risen from the tomb.

    Jesus also surrounded himself with many other women who played important roles in His ministry (Mark 15:40-41).Luke tells us about several women who helped support Jesus and the apostles “out of their own means” (Luke 8:3, NIV). These included Joanna, who managed Herod’s household, Susanna and many others. They fed Jesus’s ministry, literally and financially. Also mentioned are the “many women” who “had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs” (Matt. 27:55-56). After His ascension, many women were among those who were carrying out the Great Commission in varied roles (Rom. 16:1-15; Acts 1:12-14; Acts 18; Acts 21). Phoebe the deaconess, the daughters of Philip who were prophets and Junia who was imprisoned and “outstanding among the apostles” (Rom. 16:7) were women who labored to expand the Kingdom.

    Jesus bestowed a special honor on women. His regard for them, though revolutionary for the times, highlighted the way God intended for women to be valued. God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us….in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:26-27, NLT).

    Psalm 46:5 – God is within her…..

    Because men and women were made in the image of God, God cannot be fully reflected without a woman. When we minimize women, relationally or otherwise, we minimize the image of our Lord and Savior.

    Don’t you see the intention behind human creation? There is a clear, divine purpose for man and woman. We are to be image bearers and a living witness of God. If we wrap our heads around that, we cannot help but acknowledge our worth and value. Jesus and all the women were intentional relationships that embody the essence of God. That just blows my mind!

  • And the Curtain was Torn!

    Written by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas 2023 1 Deanna Brooks

    When we read through Scriptures, we see God has pursued a relationship with man from the beginning. He walked with Adam and Eve; He called Abraham to follow Him; Moses was chosen by God to lead the Hebrews from Egypt and become His people in the Land of Promise.

    The Old Covenant was given through Moses; the New Covenant came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).

    Under the Old Covenantthey had:

    • A set of laws written in stone where God outlines acceptable behavior and sinful behavior.
    • An earthly high priest through the line of Aaron, who had to offer a sacrifice for his own sin first (Heb. 5:1-4) … and these sacrifices were repeated over and over with communication through priests and prophets.
    • Rituals of purity and cleansing; sacrifices were offered for illness, childbirth, and sin. There were times of required fasting. The Sabbath was to be holy and a day of rest. Men went to Jerusalem three times a year.
    • ONLY the High Priest was allowed in the Most Holy Place where the Ark of the Covenant was and where God came down to receive the sacrifice.

    For centuries a curtain hid the area where the high priest entered once a year to make sacrifices for sin (Lev. 16), where God came down and hovered above the mercy seat to receive the sacrifice. The people never entered into this holy area.

    But one Passover when the priests were offering the sacrifice of the lambs for the sins of the people, the thick, heavy curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom. It was torn in two because another lamb was being sacrificed not too far away on the hill of Mount Calvary, and that lamb was Jesus—the perfect lamb—the perfect sacrifice which was being offered for all men for all time. Because of this sacrifice, Jehovah God proclaimed Jesus both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).

    And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. (Matt. 27:51 ESV)

    This 30-foot-tall curtain was ripped from top to bottom, as though the hands of God reached down and tore it open, inviting you and me to have direct access to Him. Because the curtain was torn, we have direct access to the Throne of Heaven!

    Because of that perfect sacrifice, our purification is through the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses us as we are baptized into Him. Jesus' sacrifice was one time for all men. Our baptism is a one-time event that washes us clean. Our life of faithfulness and confession keeps us clean.

    Under the New Covenant we have:

    • Laws written on the heart (Heb. 10:16).
    • A sinless Heavenly Priest (Heb. 9:24, 28, 10:12) who offered one sacrifice.
    • The opportunity to meet with other disciples on the first day of the week to share the Lord’s Supper and worship our Heavenly Father.
    • Adoption by God (Gal. 4:5). When we become followers of Jesus, the Hebrew writer says, “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers” (Heb. 2:11).
    • Jesus Christ, our Messiah as our sacrifice … not a bull or goat, as we read in Hebrews 10:10-12.

    …we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.

    In verses 19-23, Hebrews 10 goes on to say that because Jesus is our sacrifice, one sacrifice for all of us, we have access to our Heavenly Father through Him.

    Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

    In 1742, Charles Wesley wrote a hymn that contains these words: “With confidence I now draw nigh and ‘Father, Abba Father’ cry!” Those who lived before us under the Old Covenant could not have sung those words.

    So, the important question for us is: Do we take advantage of our access to the Throne of Heaven as children and heirs of the Heavenly King?


  • Betrayal in Relationships: Jesus and Judas vs. Peter

    Written by Marbella Parra, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Honduras 2023 04 Marbella

    God created us as social beings with a need to relate to other people. We mostly enjoy sharing special moments of our lives with others. In the journey of our life, we ​​meet people—and some of them stay with us. We develop friendships, and we support each other in happy moments as well as in difficult times. We call these people friends.

    Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity” (NIV). On this path of relationships, situations can arise in which we are disloyal to that person who has trusted us. Yes, we are talking about betrayal—a pretty strong word, but real. I don’t think that anyone would like to be called traitorous, but the truth is that at some point in our lives we have failed in our relationships, and others have also failed us.

    The Bible recounts two quite shocking cases of betrayal that cause us to reflect on our own relationships; they are Judas and Peter, two disciples who had the joy of sharing a close relationship with Jesus. They saw His miracles, walked with Him, ate at the same table, learned from His teachings, and accompanied Him in His ministry. They had a beautiful privilege—to be friends of Jesus. Similarly, we have people who share with us, know us, eat with us, go out with us, and laugh and cry with us. But relationships are always put to the test, and Jesus' relationships with Peter and Judas were no exception.

    Let's first talk about Judas. In the gospels, we find few details about Judas, but it is known that he was a follower of Jesus and supported His ministry. It is also known that he had a soft spot for money; so much so that his greed led him to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Judas faced a very tempting opportunity that made him fall and lose the trust and friendship that Jesus had with him. Tragically, after falling and thinking about what he had done, he did not know how to handle the situation and ended his own life.

    Then there is Peter, about whom we have more details in the Bible. He had an energetic and impulsive personality, and something that stands out about him is that he recognized Jesus as the Son of God, always ready to serve and work alongside Him. Peter was strongly involved in Jesus' ministry, but, like Judas, he underwent a test of faithfulness. Although in many moments he expressed his faith and love for Jesus, in a difficult moment when he had to express his beliefs and show loyalty to his Lord, he did not measure up and betrayed Him.

    Likewise, our relationships go through moments of testing, and often we betray some. Perhaps we speak ill of our friends to others, turn our backs on them in difficult times, envy their achievements, and damage our long-standing relationships in many other ways. At other times, we are betrayed by others. But this is not the end of the story. As humans, we will fail, but the final test is how we behave after betraying others, including God, and also how we behave when others betray us.

    We have 3 examples from which we can learn. The first two show us the importance of repentance when we are the ones who betray someone. Judas teaches us that we can take the “easy path”; he believed that he would solve everything by ending his life, but it would have been better to repent and genuinely change. We can take the easy road, pulling away from that special person, not talking to them anymore, and if we have failed, showing them an attitude of pride, and withdrawing without fighting for that friendship. Peter on the other hand, after making the big mistake of denying Jesus, had great pain in his heart and repented. After his betrayal, he changed his life, asked for forgiveness, and continued to serve his Lord faithfully until his death. Asking for forgiveness is the difficult path; many times it is hard for us to admit that we have failed and reach out to that person, perhaps out of shame, or perhaps out of pride, but in the end, fixing things with that special person that we have offended can redeem an important relationship in our lives.

    And last but not least, we have Jesus, an example to meditate on when we are the objects of betrayal. He was a faithful friend who was always willing to forgive. Despite the failures of Judas and Peter, I am sure that He was willing to receive them again and give them another chance. Peter took advantage of this blessing and further strengthened his ties with Jesus; unfortunately, Judas did not. In Jesus, we have a great example of forgiveness when someone special betrays us. Although it hurts to be betrayed and produces enormous sadness, it is worth forgiving and rescuing those relationships that God has placed in our path.

    Let us learn from the example of our Lord Jesus who was willing to forgive betrayal, and from Peter who was willing to admit his mistake and change completely for the good of his relationship with our Lord.

    I want to invite you today to value all those special relationships that you have or have had. Is there any relationship that you can recover today through repentance or forgiveness?

  • Betrayal… God Can Resurrect Relationships

    Written by Corina Diaz, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Argentina Corina Díaz

    It has happened to all of us: we have high expectations about a relationship with something or someone, and then we realize that the reality is completely different than what we expected.

    Even Jesus, when realizing that He would be betrayed, kept in His heart the desire to pass that cup. “After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, ‘Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me’(John 13:21 NIV).

    Jesus knew that it was not Judas himself who initiated the betrayal, but He recognized that sinful action stems from an external influence. “Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve”(Luke 22:3). “As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him”(John 13:27a). It is very important to recognize that Satan is actively working to bring about betrayal in our relationships.

    Dealing with these situations on a personal level can cause us anguish, and will affect how we deal with the reality of what has happened.

    Jesus' outline was simple—only three steps:

    1. Accept the situation.
    2. Pray to the Father to process the feelings.
    3. Keep the heart open to give love.

    It seems quite simple—and I assure you that it is not—but I also assure you that lowering expectations and accepting what comes, while cultivating a pure heart will make the path more bearable!

  • Breaking the Generational Cycle

    Written by Aileen Bonilla, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador 2023 Aileen Bonilla

    Breaking the generational cycle of disobedience is a very big responsibility placed on our shoulders by God. However, He promises to be by our side at all times, and not only this, He also promises to lighten our load because His yoke is easy (Matt. 11:28-30) and His grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

    With this in mind, let me share some thoughts about the generational cycle between Saul and his son Jonathan. The scriptures tell us that God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. King Saul had serious character flaws, so why would God anoint such a man to rule His people? The answer may not be totally clear to us, but it is evident that God allowed this situation so that His people would realize that no human king could compare to Him, and that absolutely no one could be as good as God Himself.

    Saul was an arrogant man. However, the position he had been given was not what made him prideful; it simply exposed what was already in his heart (Prov. 23:7). Being the first king of Israel certainly must have reinforced his pride. This king did not trust God: he made foolish and unwise oaths (1 Sam. 14:24), and he did not comply with God's commandments. This leads us to conclude that he did not fear God. He did not value even the life of his own son (1 Sam. 14:44); however, in spite of this, Jonathan decides in his heart not to be like his father.

    The Bible describes Jonathan as a brave, strong man, and a good warrior, but it also describes him as a man of love (1 Sam. 18:1), a loyal friend, and a good son. Above all, he was a young man who feared God and lived to assure that nothing or no one would hinder Jehovah's purposes.

    Jonathan knew that the Spirit of God was no longer in his father. Recognizing this truth was very critical, because everything Saul did was subject to his human nature, rather than out of a desire to please God. As a result, it was impossible to trust him. Jonathan decided not to be like his father. To make such a crucial decision, his bond with the Lord must have been very close since God is the only one who can help us break these generational chains.

    Any one of us can choose not to follow the same destructive path as our parents if we grew up in a non-Christian family. Asking God to help us break those unfaithful generational cycles will bring light not only to our current family, but will also build future generations of believers, and God will pour out His blessings on all of them. It all begins with creating a close relationship with God. Then He will show us what sinful attitudes we have inherited from our unbelieving ancestors which will enable us to break the generational cycle and be transformed into faithful followers.

    This is also a way of fulfilling the command of Jesus when He says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple”(Luke 14:26 NIV). Jonathan was not willing to sacrifice obedience to Jehovah for the unholy whims of his father. Many times, without realizing it, we carry bitterness in our hearts, because our parents were also bitter. We downplay the importance of church involvement because we do not believe that God requires this, and as if that were not enough, at least in Latin America, faithfully congregating every Sunday with the Lord’s church is no longer a priority.

    Jonathan was clear about his purpose on this earth—to give glory to God at all times—even to the point of offering his own life so that his best friend David could live, assuring that the messianic lineage would continue its course until it reached Jesus. In the same way, we must fervently ask that God show His purpose for us so that we can live giving Glory to Him, and above all, accept His grace every day to break family yokes that are not healthy. Building a spiritual life that transcends for many generations depends on our effort and courage, but above all, it depends on the openness and sensitivity of our hearts toward the voice of God.Saul closed his heart to Jehovah; therefore, the Spirit of God left him.

    Today, I first encourage you to pray and ask God to show you His purpose for your life. Second, ask Him to help you live for this purpose and, in this way, He will break every chain that ties you to the past.

  • Building Relationships with our Children and Grandchildren

    Written by Brenda Davis, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas Brenda Davis 2023

    Be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. (Deut. 4:9 NIV)

    While barely mentioned in the New Testament, two Christian women, Lois and Eunice, were no doubt familiar with this scripture due to their Jewish heritage. It is evident that they practiced this teaching because we read of the influence they had on their grandson/son, Timothy, one of the most impactful missionary preachers in the early church. Here are the only two passages that mention these women:

    I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. (2 Tim. 1:5)

    Now Paul also came to Derbe and to Lystra. And a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek, and he was well spoken of by the brothers and sisters who were in Lystra and Iconium. (Acts 16:1)

    If only we knew more about the specifics of how they raised Timothy. Did they give him time out when he misbehaved? Did he have a curfew? Did they make him go to church when he didn’t want to? We can be sure that, like us, they were not perfect as grandmother and mother. But we know that despite their imperfections they were successful in raising someone who chose to devote his life to Christ and His church, as we read in 1 Corinthians 4:17.

    So, what can we learn from these women? We learn that the relationship between us and our children and grandchildren is incredibly impactful—even essential—to their spiritual upbringing. We also learn that even if our spouse is not a believer, we can still have a relationship that results in blessing these young souls. Acts 16:1-2 tells us that while his father was a Greek unbeliever, Timothy’s mother was still successful in teaching him about Christ.

    It is universally agreed that the relationship between a mother and child is important. But there are also multiple verses and examples in the Bible that show us the importance of grandparents and the positive and negative results of this relationship. Whether we live near, or even with, our children or grandchildren, or clear across the country or the world, we are still called to maintain a relationship that will strengthen their relationship with the Lord. Author Mickey Elliott says, “It is the grandparent's responsibility to encourage, love, bring peace and unity. Never speak negatively about either parent to the grandchildren, but always encourage love, forgiveness, unselfishness, and understanding.

    How can we build and maintain these influential relationships?

    • By example -living out our faith in words and actions.

    But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show godliness to their own household.(1 Tim. 5:4 ESV)

    Our children and grandchildren observe how we treat and serve others, how we react to life’s events, and whether or not we are striving to be like Jesus.

    • By teaching -sharing God’s Word from day one at every little opportunity.

    But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures. (2 Tim. 3:14-15 NIV)

    Take advantage of “teachable moments,” sharing Biblical truths in everyday situations. This can be as simple as replacing, “What a beautiful day,” with “What a beautiful day God made for us,” as you look out the window together.

    • By praying -unceasingly taking them before the throne of grace.

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.(Phil. 4:6-7)

    Pray with and for them—their health, their choice of friends, their future spouses, and protection from the tempter.

    An unknown writer has said, “Having [kids and] grandkids is a blessing. Helping to shape their lives is an honor,”andScripture supports this statement.I particularly like the Contemporary English Version’s rendition of Psalm 127:4-5, “Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be.” And Proverbs 17:6 (NLT) tells us that “grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged.”

    May we all be mindful of the spiritual legacy we will leave our children and grandchildren.

  • Burdened Relationships

    Written by Kat Bittner, volunteer and member of the Board of Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado 2023 3 Kat Bittner 1

    Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2 NIV).

    “A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other” (Unknown). That could not be a more fitting description for us as humans in relationship with each other. Relationships are often hard. They take a great deal of commitment and effort on our part to be even the least bit fulfilling. Our sinful nature, clothed in selfish desire, often keeps us from working on relationships as we should. But like anything else in life that is good, we need to ensure that God is at the forefront of our relationships and that He is the reason we do what we do. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men

    (Col. 3:23).

    God designed relationship, and He designed it to be a reciprocal effort; each person brings something to the relationship that is equally satisfying. Consequently, the best relationships are enveloped in a common love (1 Cor. 13:4-7). The best relationships build us up rather than tear us down (1 Thes. 5:11). The best relationships are burdened relationships.

    Burdened relationships are those that involve mutual dependence on each other. We should be dependent on others (most assuredly our sisters in Christ) for several things. We need each other for guidance as “the heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense,” and “as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Prov. 27:9,17 NLT). We need each other for spiritual restoration for …sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path (Gal. 6:1). We need each other forinstruction on how to live as godly women (Titus 2:3-5).

    Perhaps the most important thing we can do for each other as sisters in Christ is to share those things which encumber or afflict us. Sin and the struggles of life can weigh us down with extreme heavyheartedness. The burdensome stuff of life can discourage and weaken our spiritual state. We should never be embarrassed or ashamed to share those things which weigh heavily on our hearts. The adage “there is strength in numbers” is very true, especially when it concerns our spiritual health. The author of Ecclesiastes proclaims that “two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor…and a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccl. 4:9,12 ASV).

    We cannot do life in any capable fashion without strong relationships. We must be willing to share our burdens with our sisters in Christ. In doing so, we afford them the powerful healing that comes from prayer, thereby encouraging them on to a better, stronger faith. “Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16, NLT).

    Our burdens need to be shouldered by each other so faith can reach its crowning achievement.Faith is made stronger when our relationships with each other better mimic our relationship with God. When our relationships with each other are more authentic, transparent, and persevering, we can better cope with the heaviness that life brings us and others. Shouldering our burdens with one another is a key element for building good relationships because it also demonstrates selflessness. And we truly live by the tenets of Jesus’ teaching when we humble ourselves enough to selflessly carry the burdens of others (Phil. 2:3, Rom. 13:8; Gal. 5:13; 2 Jn. 1:6). Even more wonderful is that we can have our burdens shouldered by Jesus, too. In fact, He expects it of us. He whose burden is light asks us to burden Himself with our heaviness.Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened….my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28,30 NIV).

    Sisters, we cannot afford to be stagnant or self-righteous in our relationships. Good relationships require effort and perseverance. We must be committed to working selflessly in our relationships if we are to be pleasing to God. Relationships can fuel our faith because they require a refusal to give up on each other just as God refuses to give up on us. God has “chosen you and will not throw you away”(Is. 41:9 NLT). A burdened relationship demonstrates a faithful work. It is a good thing! How will you be burdened by your relationships?

  • Chosen For Creativity

    Corina Díaz 320Written by Corina Díaz, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Argentina

    To talk about creativity, I would like us to think of two main ideas:

    1. The word creativity comes from the Latin creare, which means to make something new, to shape something or to produce it.

    2. We have a Creator God (creative), who created the universe and everything in it (Gen. 1)

    These ideas are combined in that we have a creative God and we were created in His image and likeness, so we are creative beings, each one to a different extent according to the gifts we have received.

    We don't need to be great designers or architects to think about creativity in a broader way, we just need to be filled with the Spirit of God to manifest what God has done in us.

    Let's look at an example of this:
    “Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, to help him. Also I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I have commanded you.”
    (Ex. 31:1-6)

    Bezalel and Aholiab were endowed with the skill of craftsmen, and above all with creative ability in the work of God, they used this talent for the kingdom of God. Have you ever wondered what your most creative way and gift is? How could you place it in the service of God?

    In chapter 36 of Exodus, I want to highlight verse 2:
    "Then Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work."

    Do you feel impelled in the work of God? Don't worry if you don't know how, if this is your prayer, I can assure you that God is already working on this!

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #Creator #creativity #gifts #talents #guestwriter #blog

  • Christ's Commitment to Prayer

    Michelle Written by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Executive Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    Jesus instructed His disciples and the crowd that gathered on the mountainside: “This, then, is how you should pray…” (Mt. 6:9a NIV). After warning them to not be like the hypocrites who pray to be seen by others, He provided guidance on the relational nature of prayer.

    Our Father knows what we need, so we don’t need to babble or ramble to reach a minimum word count. Rather, the Lord’s Prayer expresses praise, request, confession, and submission to God’s will being done. In other passages, we see the vitality of thanksgiving as another essential element of prayer (Ps. 118:1; Php. 4:6).

    Even as Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, transitions from teaching on prayer to His instructions on fasting, we see throughout the Scriptures that those two practices are presented in tandem (Mt. 6:5-18; Is. 58; Lk. 4:1-13).

    John 17 is the only place in which we see the transcript of one of Jesus’ prayers. He prays for Himself, His disciples, and for all believers. Here, again, Jesus affirms the relational nature of prayer—the relationship He had with the Father, and the relationship the Son longs to foster between the Father and those who believe in Him.

    Throughout the gospels, we glean from Jesus’ example the importance of prayer through His dedication to that practice. His level of commitment to this spiritual discipline is beyond question. Jesus withdraws from His disciples, takes time alone, and in Luke 6, even dedicates an entire night to communication with His Father.

    One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
    (Lk. 6:12)

    While living in Venezuela, I remember several all-night prayer vigils (vigilias) during which we would sing, read scripture, pray alone, pray in groups, listen to others pray aloud, praise, and enjoy fellowship with our Father and our Christian brothers and sisters.

    Sadly, I have fallen out of that practice. I rejoice most in remembering what it meant to share that commitment to prayer together. Jesus Himself asked His inner circle of three (Peter, James, and John) to join Him in prayer the night before He was betrayed.

    Since our beginning, Iron Rose Sister Ministries has dedicated February as our Prayer Month. We pray individually and in community. We pray aloud and silently. We pray through Scripture and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, we deepen our relationships with God and with one another.

    Committed to Christ 24/7 in 2024 means that we are committed to praying as He prayed, especially this month. We have Prayer Calendars available with Bible verses and prompts for each day in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

    This Saturday, February 3, we will have a trilingual virtual prayer event. Please sign up on our website to receive the Zoom link and coordinate the start time with your time zone (10 a.m. Central).

    Finally, on February 24, we will have our 24-hour Prayer-a-thon with people around the world praying with us. We love to see where others are praying from, so please sign up for a 30-minute time slot to pray and list your local city.

    …as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. (2 Co. 1:11)


  • Clothed with Christ in Baptism

    Brenda DWritten by Brenda Davis, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    “Who are you wearing tonight?” Celebrities are asked this question by members of the press as they walk the red carpet at a movie premier or awards show, and it is usually answered with the name of a famous fashion designer.

    The apostle Paul tells us about who we will be wearing after we are baptized. “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Gal 3:27 NIV). Reflecting on this metaphor, I can almost feel Jesus’ presence hugging me like a perfectly fitting garment.

    Let’s look at what God’s Word says about baptism.

    In the Scriptures, we see that baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is our response to hearing and accepting the message of the Gospel, symbolizing our death to sin, the burial of our old life, and our resurrection to a new life in Christ. Baptism is our declaration of faith and represents an unconditional promise to God to do His will.

    Baptism is a picture of death and of the grave. Coming up out of the water represents Christ’s resurrection (Ro 6:1-4). So, when you are baptized, you are saying, "I died with Jesus Christ, I was buried with Him, and now I am raised with Christ to a brand-new life— a changed me."

    The Greek root word baptizein, from which we get the word baptize, means to plunge, immerse, sink, or wash. Another word more often used throughout the New Testament is baptizō which means to totally submerge, drown, immerse, or dunk into water.

    We find several instances of baptisms In the New Testament where evidence points to immersion. John the Baptist baptized in Aenon near Salim which is along the Jordan River “because there was plenty of water” (Jn 3:23). After Jesus’ baptism, He “came up out of the water” (Mk 1:10). And both Philip and the Eunuch “went down into the water and Philip baptized him” (Ac 8:38).

    Baptism does not appear to me to be merely a suggestion, but rather something extraordinarily important as it connects to our salvation. Several passages bear this out: “Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit” (Jn 3:5). “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16). “This water symbolizes baptism that now saves you” (1Pe 3:21a).

    Baptism is so important that Christ’s final instructions before He ascended to Heaven were, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20).

    And when we are clothed with Christ, we receive rich blessings:

    Forgiveness of sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit:Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’” (Ac 2:38).

    Being joined with other believers in the church—the body of Christ:For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body” (1 Co 12:13a). “Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all” (Ac 2:41 NLT).

    Every person who has heard the gospel message and can make a conscious decision to believe in Christ is “eligible.” For some, baptism may follow a process of study, but lengthy Bible study is not a requirement. We find that New Testament believers were baptized in immediate response to hearing the Gospel message for the first time, such as in the story of Philip and the eunuch in Acts 8. Other instances are also recorded:

    “But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.” (Ac 8:12 NIV)

    “And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Ac 22:16)

    “At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized.” (Ac 16:33b)

    WHY NOT?
    Sisters, Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands” (Jn 14:15). If you have not put on Christ in baptism, what might be keeping you from submission and obedience to your Savior? I urge you to examine your heart and consider changing your clothes.

  • Commitment, Trust, and Vulnerability

    Written by Nilaurys Garcia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Canada 2022 06 30 Nilaurys Garcia

    I am blessed to say that I have true friends, even if these are not many. Friends that I can share my joys with, problems, and that, above all, they will hold me accountable if at any time I committed to do something and I did not fulfill it. Maybe you're thinking you don't like those friendships but let me explain a little more. I’m talking about those people who are in my inner circle and to whom I have given the right and they have accepted the obligation to help me follow a better path. Those I can be vulnerable with and recount my struggles with, mostly when I need that reminder of who I am and why I should do or not do something.

    A word that creates mixed feelings in me is "vulnerability." I would prefer to think that I am strong, and it is easier to keep the mask on that says I-can-deal-with-everything-that-life-throws-at-me. You are probably laughing with me at this moment when you remember all the times that we have fallen, just for thinking like that. If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that we do not like to be vulnerable, delegate control, or much less be held accountable for our own words. I like to remember Hebrews 10:24 that says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (NIV)

    And one of the reasons I don't like to be vulnerable is because it's easier to get hurt. That's why I can’t be vulnerable with everybody, but only with those who I know won't take advantage of me and won't hurt me. Now, who better to be vulnerable with than God and leave Him all our burdens, as we are invited to do in 1 Peter 5:7. “Cast all anxieties on Him because He cares for you."

    Would we be able to leave our burdens, fears and worries to a complete stranger? I don’t think I could do it. It's too risky and I would feel too vulnerable to do it. The good news is that we don't have to depend on or trust a complete stranger. We have a Heavenly Father who only wants our good, would never hurt us, and gave us wonderful blessings as a gift for our lives. In addition, we can have people close to us that we trust and commit to helping each other become better. Yes, it is a commitment. There may not be a ring or a friendship bracelet, but there is the willingness and commitment by each one to make that relationship flourish.

    If we want to develop our relationship with God and our inner circles, we need to start by knowing them more, by trusting them and, you guessed it, committing ourselves to being vulnerable with them. In my experience, when my relationship with God is firm, I also can be better with my close people and if I am failing at something, I am convinced that they will help me get back on the right path, even without being asked to do so at the moment. Every time my human nature tries to do what it wants instead of what it was called to do, David’s statement in Psalm 31, verse 14 comes to mind, “But I, Lord, trust in You and say, ‘You are my God.’

    Personally, it is a contract or commitment with God, because it is a relationship that began by paying the highest price that could have been paid, the life of Christ crucified on a cross. I would like to invite you to develop a commitment to God based on vulnerability, because that will then lead you to develop an intimate circle that gives you the support, joys, correction, and everything you need to get closer to God. Remember that we are not alone and are immensely loved, but… yes, there is a “but,” we must be willing to trust if we really want it to work out.

  • Created to Create

    Michelle Goff 320Written by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    “I never realized that God gave me my love for decorating as a reflection of His attention to detail and decorating, like in the temple and the curtains.”

    A sister in Houston shared this revelation after a lesson I presented exploring the significance of the extravagant and huge curtain that hung between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies in the temple. A handbreadth thick when it was torn at Jesus’ death on the cross, for God, it was more like a simple rip of a piece of thin paper.

    Our God is Mighty. Our God is Merciful. Our God is Spirit. And our God is Creator.
    Created in His image (Gen. 1:27), when we dwell in His Spirit and live as He has designed us to live, we can be mighty, merciful, Spirit-filled, and creative!

    The fruit of the Spirit does not list creativity as a facet of His fruit (Gal. 5:22-23), yet I want you to take a moment and reflect on a time in which your creativity flowed in a way that could only be described as “inspired.” Where did that inspiration come from?

    Makoto Fujimura, in his book Art and Faith: A Theology of Making, proposes that one of the most divine ways for non-believers to be introduced to God is through the arts. As Maker, God made us to make. As Creator, He created us to create. It is in that moment of creative making that we can build an in-depth connection with our Creator through His Spirit. Are we open to that? Do we recognize that opportunity?

    Artists or “creatives” are more than just painters or sculptures. Some artists are culinary. Others are good with their hands and have a good eye for things like a seamstress or women who can “up-cycle” recycled items to design beautiful constructs.

    My medium is words—a monologue, a poem, a Bible study, a lesson, a conversation, a song, or an expression. However, the best words have been creatively crafted by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and are not my own.

    Bezalel and Oholiab (Ex. 31) were gifted in all kinds of craftsmanship. Kathy makes jewelry, Juana makes soaps, and Jocelynn makes lasagnas. Wendy creates websites, Molly creates spreadsheets, and Teresa creates connections. Jennifer designs curriculum, Mandy writes songs, and Pam gifts crocheted items. My sister, Chrys, creates vegan versions of recipes and shares them with others.

    Every single woman listed delights in her craft and shares the fruit of her handiwork with others. When our creative gifts and passions are used in Kingdom contexts, we are filled with even more joy.

    How have you been gifted to create? How can your creations be used to give God glory?


    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #Creator #creativity #createdtocreate #artandfaith #gifts #talents #MichelleJGoff #blog

  • Daddy’s Little Girl

    Terry Martin 320Written by Therese Martin, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Washington

    My great-granddaughter Ava had been spending the day with “the Nanapapa”. That’s her name for us; not “Nana and Papa”, oh no! We are The Nanapapa, a sort of combined source of hugs and treats and vanilla ice cream. The day was over, and her daddy came to pick her up after work.

    “Daddy!” she squealed, running full speed into his legs and wrapping her arms around his knees. He didn’t fall over; he just reached down and picked her up in a loving embrace. She started telling him about her day, and asking if they could stop at her favorite fast-food place on the way home. She was a happy little girl!

    I started to wonder; as daughters of God, are we as excited about our Father in heaven as Ava was about her daddy? Spiritually speaking, how often do we do that? How often do we run excitedly towards God, our loving Father, our Abba…our Daddy? How often do we fling our arms around His knees and let Him know we’re so glad to be with him? To be able to bring Him our problems and just say how much we love Him?

    As we age, our lives change. We aren’t little girls any more. We are young women, then new brides, then mothers, then busy women juggling full time work, school age children, and maybe caring for our parents. We’re so busy! Then we are older, with all the physical pain that sometimes brings, and often emotional pain as well. We can’t even imagine running!

    When we think of ourselves as daughters of God, we forget that he is God of time and space as well as heaven and earth. When we talk to Him, it’s with all the burdens of our present, serious, grown-up selves. It’s the 40, or 50, or even 70-year-old self that comes to talk to her Father, not the four-year-old!

    But to God, we are still the four-year-old! Fifty or sixty years was just a second ago. He doesn’t see the wrinkles or sagging skin. That’s just the outfit we are wearing at the moment. He sees the shiny new soul He just made a second ago. To Him, we are His precious little girl. He’s a very proud, excited father who loves to talk with us at every opportunity.

    Let’s look at the Easy Reader’s Version of the New Testament for a simplified rendering of that important lesson from Jesus:
    ““And when you pray, don’t be like the people who don’t know God. They say the same things again and again. They think that if they say it enough, their god will hear them. Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. So this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, we pray that your name will always be kept holy. We pray that your kingdom will come— that what you want will be done here on earth, the same as in heaven. Give us the food we need for today. Forgive our sins, just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us. Don’t let us be tempted, but save us from the Evil One.’” (Matthew 6:6-13 ERV)

    We have turned that simple process into a rote, memorized formula. What if we look at those principles of prayer from the perspective of a little girl who really loves her Daddy? What might it sound like? It wouldn’t be formal or serious, that’s for sure.

    “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! There you are! I missed you so much! I love you because you’re so awesome! I wish you were with me all the time so everyone could see you! I wish everyone loved you the way I do! I wish it so much!

    Hey, can we get some fries on the way home? I’m really hungry. I want fries every day! Can we have fries every day? Pleeease? Oh, sorry, Daddy, did I step on your foot? I am so sorry I hurted you and gave you an owie, but I love how you always forgive me. I should do that for other people too, huh? Even when I gots an owie? Okay, Daddy, I’ll try. Oh, look, I almost stepped in that hole! Thank you, Daddy, for lifting me up so I didn’t fall. You always take good care of me. You are so wonderful and I love you so much! You’re the bestest daddy forever and ever!”

    As we get caught up in the hassles of daily life, the demands on our time, family responsibilities, all the blocks and burdens of normal existence, do we forget who we really, really are? Don’t ever forget you’re Daddy’s little girl, who loves Him so very much and can’t wait till it’s time to go home for reals.

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #childofGod #OurHeavenlyFather #Daddysgirl #guestwriter #blog

  • David: His Prayers in Psalms and Communication with God

    Written by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas 2023 1 Deanna Brooks

    When we think of David, we often think of the shepherd boy… the youngest in the family… who killed Goliath, spent years running from Saul’s anger, became king, took another man’s wife, and had him killed in battle.

    There is more to David than those events. There is his heart—a heart devoted to God in constant communication.

    Samuel told King Saul in 1 Samuel 13:14 (ESV), “The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.” This was said when David was still a shepherd, before he slew Goliath. God saw David’s heart.

    In 1 Chronicles 17:16, we see David’s HUMILITY. Nathan told David he couldn’t build the temple, but the Lordwas building a house for him: a dynasty of kings. “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me this far?

    In Psalm 73, we find a description of David’s relationship with the Father and why Samuel described him as a man after Gods own heart. Additional passages show David’s constant communication with God in various situations:

    LOVE and TRUST:

    Psalm 18:1, “I love you, O LORD, my strength.”

    Psalm 37:3, “Trust in the Lord and do good.”


    Psalm 9:1, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”

    Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.The rest of this Psalm continues to proclaim the majesty of God.

    Psalm 40 is a prayer of THANKSGIVING for deliverance:

    I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart, I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation” (vs. 10).

    OVERWHELMED by betrayal:

    In Psalm 55, David pours out his heart because of the rebellion of his son Absolom. Ahithophel, one of his thirty mighty men and a trusted advisor, sided with Absolom.

    He redeems my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me. God will give ear and humble them… My companion stretched out his hand against his friends; he violated his covenant. His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords… But I will trust in you. (55:18-23)

    PROTECTION when fleeing from Absalom:

    Psalm 3:3, “But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”


    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea…The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. (Ps. 46:1-2,7)


    Psalm 103:8, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”


    Psalm 106:1-2, “Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord, or declare all his praise?

    Heartfelt words of REPENTANCE after his sin with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah:

    Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! … Restore to me the joy of your salvation.(Ps. 51:1-2, 12)


    Psalm 116:1, “I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy.”

    Psalm 119 is a prayer of GRATITUDE for God’s Word: “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!(vs. 1) Then in verse 11, David gives one of the keys to knowing and doing God’s will, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”


    Psalm 139 closes with, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (vs. 23-24)

    David allowed his life to be an “open book” before the Lord.

    The Psalms show how David walked with God in all stages of life. He turns to God as we often do to a close friend who knows all our joys, hurts, and secrets, and that open communication molds David into a man after God’s own heart.

    The prophet Jeremiah wrote, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (29:13). David’s life is one of seeking relationship with God through constant communication in complete faith and trust. Are you developing your relationship with the Father through regular communication?

  • Every Role Matters

    Rianna ElmshaeuserWritten by Rianna Elmshaeuser, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado

    You are the main character in your story. Everyone in your life is a supporting character or background extra. But rather than asking ourselves what everyone else’s role is in our lives, the question we need to be pondering is, who am I in God’s story? Am I a background character? Am I a lead role or an extra? There are natural objections to this idea that will come to the mind of the average Christian. After all, God has an important role for each of us—a purpose—and that is absolutely correct.

    But let’s take a moment and imagine a movie that has only the lead character in it. It is flat and uninteresting. There is no one to help move the plot along, no one to create drama, no colorful characters having coffee in the background of a coffee shop. Extras, background characters, supporting roles, and lead roles are all crucial to creating a vivid and exciting story.

    Keep this thought in mind as we look at the relationships of Paul, Silas, Barnabas, and Timothy. The partnership between Paul and Barnabas begins in Acts 13 and continues until they have a falling out in Acts 15. Their partnership begins at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:2 tells us, “…the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them’” (ESV). After this event, they are sent out into a whirlwind of ministry and trouble. They would enter a city and preach, then be forced to flee from persecution. Throughout these chapters, it is only Paul’s sermons that are recorded.

    The Apostle Paul was the greatest evangelist of the early church, if not of all time, aside from Jesus, of course. But would Paul have been able to keep on through persecution and being stoned without so faithful a friend as Barnabas? When Paul was lying on the ground outside the city where the Jews had thrown his mangled body, assuming him dead, would he have had the strength to get up without his friends surrounding him? Perhaps we are not a Paul, the lead role who stirred up every city he entered, converted thousands upon thousands, and wrote a large portion of the New Testament. But the Pauls of today need a Barnabas beside them, encouraging them, picking them up when they are down, and standing beside them when hard times come.

    Silas had a similar role in God’s story. He was a partner and friend to Paul after his disagreement with Barnabas. Again, none of Silas’s sermons are recorded, only Paul’s, but they were together in the thick of it. When they were both beaten and thrown in prison, would either of them have found the strength to continue without the other? Imagine being in the dark in chains, badly beaten, and then you hear the clinking of chains and feel your friend’s hand on your arm as they begin to pray with you. As you pray, your hearts grow lighter and you both break into song, praising God. Friendships are of utmost importance and can serve as the guardrail that keeps people from careening over the edge into darkness.

    Lastly, consider the relationship of Paul and Timothy. Paul and Silas met Timothy in Derbe and Lystra. Timothy was a young man whose mother and grandmother were believers, but his father was not. He was well spoken of by the church and Paul took him under his wing. We know from 1 Timothy 1:2 that they grew so close that their relationship became that of a father and son. Paul refers to Timothy as, “…my true child in the faith.”

    Perhaps you are the one that needs mentoring or maybe you know someone that needs a mentor. On the hero’s Journey, there is always a mentor for the young hero who passes on wisdom to the upcoming generation. Today we do not have to look very far to find a young person struggling along in need of a mentor. Even young ones who come from a believing home need a mentor. Parents cannot be everywhere and see everything all the time. They need others to fill in the gaps.

    If you have asked yourself, “What role do I play in God’s story,” and concluded that you are not a lead, rest assured that your role is just as important as someone in the spotlight. Even the people who are not mentioned by name had important roles in the ministry of Paul. They sent money, prayers, and letters encouraging him and other saints. Every person has an important part to play in the story of God, even if it seems negligible by human standards. What is your role in God’s story?


    #IronRoseSister #teachthroughrelationships #learnthroughrelationships #intentionalteaching #mentoring #teachbyexample #PaulandBarnabas #PaulandSilas #PaulandTimothy #blog #guestwriter

  • Free in Christ

    Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador Johanna Zabala

    Based on my life experience, I often think about the fact that each child is a product of the relationships, education, and environment that were influenced by the adults with whom they grew up.

    Beloved sisters, each of us has gone through the childhood phase when we were able to grow and move forward. I consider those first years of life to be of great importance in developing the various interpersonal relationships we find and develop later in each subsequent cycle of life. These relationships become the foundation for the young person or adult that we are today.

    When I look back on the age of childhood, many memories come to mind. However, there are other events that I cannot remember, likely because those moments were not significant in my early life. No doubt, my learning process as a child was different from yours; but for each of us, learning will continue as we acquire additional information and attitudes that we can put into practice as time goes by.

    I learned everything from my environment: walking, talking, and responding to my surroundings, fundamentally influenced by my maternal grandmother who demonstrated a wide variety of teaching patterns.

    As a result of growing up in a dysfunctional family, I experienced significant consequences for not knowing how to control my natural fears. Fear was one of the first emotions that caused me a lot of insecurity, emotional blockage, and mistrust in communications within my environment. This is what I continue to struggle with: letting the Holy Spirit heal my fears so they don't become obstacles to doing what I need to do or passing them on to the ones I love.

    But despite my challenging childhood, the negative impact of absentee parents, an inflexible upbringing, and a lack of attention to my need for communication, I grew up. Today, through understanding, forgiving, and breaking away from past situations of great uncertainty which have threatened to wreak havoc on my present relationship with Christ, I can strengthen my conviction, having been rescued from the destructive influence of my earthly parents. This aligns with what I have read and reflected on in 1 Peter 1:18. To become a person approved by the Heavenly Father, I have decided to live my new life in Christ, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV), “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

    Every day, comforted by the quotation above and in my relationship with the Lord Jesus, I feel the need to continue to learn to be free from what damages the soul, mind, heart, and faith in God. We must not forget that we are free and that there will always be freedom in Jesus Christ, as stated in the letter to the Galatians, chapter 5 verse 1, which reminds us again that "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

    When we are aware that in the old life before knowing Christ, there were moments of destruction of what was good and pure, which came from God, we can strengthen ourselves and experience the freedom to be and act according to God's heart, which is a great blessing.

    To be free is to not repeat the sin that separates us from the presence of God. It is knowing how to choose between good and evil and being called to freedom to serve one another out of love. Being free, we are separated from evil, not allowing the slavery of sin or guilt to lead us to do the opposite of the will of our sovereign God.

    To be free is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, whom we receive in our new birth in the waters of baptism (Acts 2:38). He frees us from fear and assures us that God is with us until the end of the world and that He redeems us for eternal salvation.

    There are many blessings from God's freedom in the Christian life; it is a privilege of the immense love of our Creator, who knows us and always covers us with eternal love (see Jeremiah 31:3).

    To conclude, I encourage you to remember what was admirable from your childhood and to always cultivate innocence, humility, forgiveness, and a smile, so you can become like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, fulfilling what is mentioned in Matthew 19:14.


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