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  • Prayer is a lifeline of spiritual health

    “Thanks for listening. I feel better just by being able to talk it out.” A sister expressed this sentiment to me after a lengthy, tearful conversation in which she shared some of what is burdening her heart and affecting her family.

    When we verbalize what we are going through, to God and to others, the load is lightened, the sting is lessened, and the pain is reduced. Also, as we share the burdenof what we are facing, we are reminded that we are not alone.

    When we bottle it all up, we suffer from what I affectionately call “pressure cooker syndrome.” If you keep it all under lock and key, it will reach a moment in which you explode.

    We are never alone and God is always listening. Prayer is one of the most powerful avenues through which we can relieve stress, express frustration, rejoice, and find peace.

    Prayer is our vital lifeline of spiritual health. Constant contact and communication with our Creator, Father, and Great Physician are essential for our wellbeing. 

  • Prayer is a lifeline of spiritual health

    “Thanks for listening. I feel better just by being able to talk it out.” A sister expressed this sentiment to me after a lengthy, tearful conversation in which she shared some of what is burdening her heart and affecting her family.

    When we verbalize what we are going through, to God and to others, the load is lightened, the sting is lessened, and the pain is reduced. Also, as we share the burdenof what we are facing, we are reminded that we are not alone.

    When we bottle it all up, we suffer from what I affectionately call “pressure cooker syndrome.” If you keep it all under lock and key, it will reach a moment in which you explode.

    We are never alone and God is always listening. Prayer is one of the most powerful avenues through which we can relieve stress, express frustration, rejoice, and find peace.

    Prayer is our vital lifeline of spiritual health. Constant contact and communication with our Creator, Father, and Great Physician are essential for our wellbeing.

    We will spend the month of February focused on Prayer. I invite you to join us in prayer over various aspects of the ministry. We have made a calendar available for download as we spend 24 days of prayer leading up to 24 hours of prayer.

  • Spiritual Discipline

    spiritualdiscipline newWhen I first heard the term “spiritual discipline,” I bristled at the thought of spiritual growth requiring discipline: self-discipline and, of course, God-directed discipline.

    So why is it called discipline?
    • It is requires commitment, time, and lots of practice.
    • Planning and dedication are key.
    • You have to be intentional.
    • It sometimes comes with pain.

    An athlete understands these dynamics and what it takes to discipline our bodies. She exercises and eats right in order to have optimal performance.

    I am no star athlete, but I do long to grow in spiritual discipline so that I might
    • Draw closer to God.
    • Follow Jesus’ example.
    • Live by the Spirit.

    This week, we’ll be exploring various aspects of spiritual discipline as they relate to our overall spiritual health.

  • Spiritual Discipline

    hen I first heard the term “spiritual discipline,” I bristled at the thought of spiritual growth requiring discipline: self-discipline and, of course, God-directed discipline.

    So why is it called discipline?

    ·     It is requires commitment, time, and lots of practice.

    ·     Planning and dedication are key.

    ·     You have to be intentional.

    ·     It sometimes comes with pain.

    An athlete understands these dynamics and what it takes to discipline our bodies. She exercises and eats right in order to have optimal performance.

    I am no star athlete, but I do long to grow in spiritual disciplineso that I might

    ·     Draw closer to God.

    ·     Follow Jesus’ example.

    ·     Live by the Spirit.

    This week, we’ll be exploring various aspects of spiritual discipline as they relate to our overall spiritual health.

  • Spiritual Discipline

    When I first heard the term “spiritual discipline,” I bristled at the thought of spiritual growth requiring discipline: self-discipline and, of course, God-directed discipline.

    So why is it called discipline?

    ·     It is requires commitment, time, and lots of practice.

    ·     Planning and dedication are key.

    ·     You have to be intentional.

    ·     It sometimes comes with pain.

    An athlete understands these dynamics and what it takes to discipline our bodies. She exercises and eats right in order to have optimal performance.

    I am no star athlete, but I do long to grow in spiritual disciplineso that I might

    ·     Draw closer to God.

    ·     Follow Jesus’ example.

    ·     Live by the Spirit.

    This week, we’ll be exploring various aspects of spiritual discipline as they relate to our overall spiritual health.

  • Spiritual Health and the Foster Care System, Carla Sumner’s Story

    Carla caring trustingMeet Carla Sumner, Secretary for the Iron Rose Sister Ministries Board of Directors!

    Carla, tell us a little about yourself and your family, especially how you and your husband have been blessed to be a part of the foster care system.
    My husband, Ryan, and I have been married for 22 years (23 in August). We have three kids. John is 22. Lexi is 20 and Anna is 13. John and Lexi are adopted. Actually, we fostered to adopt them. God had His plan in that part of our story.

    We started out offering respite care (when a foster family needs a break, we take care of the kids, like for a weekend). With Lexi, we took care of her for a weekend because the family was going to a family reunion. Then we watched her again in August and joked with her foster family that they might just not get her back. We got to visit her again several times and the older couple that was fostering her realized that they would not be able to adopt her. They were an older couple and wanted her to go to a young family. She became a permanent part of our family on September 18, two days after the due date for a child we had miscarried.

    Lexi had been in the foster system for two and a half years when she came to live with us. We adopted John when he was seven, but he had been in the foster system for four years. I finally got pregnant with Anna after years of trying. And that’s our family.

    I am a licensed speech language pathologist and my husband is a special education teacher, so we were uniquely equipped to help children, especially if there are any delays in their development. We feel like foster care is something God has called us to do. Neither of us grew up with it in our own families, but I was always taught to serve and help. This was one way to do that.

    We have been out of the foster system for the past fifteen years, but last September we jumped back in because some friends had a four-year-old boy with very similar issues to our son. After all we had learned in our experience with him, we knew that we could help this family and make a difference in that boy’s life.

  • Spiritual Health under the Care of the Great Physician

    A conversation about spiritual health would be lacking if we did not look to the Great Physician as the author of what our spiritual selves need.

    I don’t know many people who enjoy going to the doctor. However, when we are really sick, in need of wise counsel from someone who has knowledge and experience to help us, we visit the doctor.

    “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Matt. 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31). And we are all sick!

    We are broken individuals in need of a doctor.

    But the doctor is not just for when we are sick. He gives us preventative medicine and advice in his Word that guides us in the right path.

    So, whether you are feeling broken or healthy today, I recommend you take this prescription from the Great Physician. 


  • Spiritual Health under the Care of the Great Physician

    thegreatphyscian edited 1A conversation about spiritual health would be lacking if we did not look to the Great Physician as the author of what our spiritual selves need. I don’t know many people who enjoy going to the doctor. However, when we are really sick, in need of wise counsel from someone who has knowledge and experience to help us, we visit the doctor.
    “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Matt. 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31). And we are all sick!
    We are broken individuals in need of a doctor.
    But the doctor is not just for when we are sick. He gives us preventative medicine and advice in his Word that guides us in the right path.
    So, whether you are feeling broken or healthy today, I recommend you take this prescription from the Great Physician.

    Great Physician
    7 Pearly Gates
    Golden City, Heaven 77777


    So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
    (Isaiah 41:10)

    Take and remember daily.

    Signed Your Heavenly Father.

  • Spiritual Health under the Care of the Great Physician

    A conversation about spiritual health would be lacking if we did not look to the Great Physician as the author of what our spiritual selves need. I don’t know many people who enjoy going to the doctor. However, when we are really sick, in need of wise counsel from someone who has knowledge and experience to help us, we visit the doctor.

    “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Matt. 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31). And we are all sick!

    We are broken individuals in need of a doctor.

    But the doctor is not just for when we are sick. He gives us preventative medicine and advice in his Word that guides us in the right path.

    So, whether you are feeling broken or healthy today, I recommend you take this prescription from the Great Physician. 

  • Stop taking the poison!

    poisonFor me, there are foods that I cannot eat. They are damaging to my body.

    In light of my food allergies and intolerances, I have to be careful about what I consume. If I eat those foods, I get sick and cannot function to full capacity.

    Also vital to my health is the amount of rest that I get. I often have trouble sleeping and if I don’t get enough sleep, I am unable to perform at a normal level.

    The wrong foods. Lack of sleep. These and many other things are damaging to my health. For me, those things are like poison. My body rejects them just like God spits out those who are lukewarm (Rev. 3:16).

    Garbage in. Garbage out. You are what you eat.

    Spiritual health is no different.

    Stop taking the poison!

    There are things that, spiritually speaking, are also like a poison. My top two spiritual poisons are pride and isolation, which I will discuss in greater detail tomorrow.
    What is the top spiritual poison or temptation that you struggle with?

  • Straight from the Word... Prayer Guide

    prayer JoStraight from the Word... Prayer Guide
    Written by Carolyn “Jo” Gower

    Iron Rose Sister Ministries has been covered in prayer from the beginning and in February, we turned our attention once again to our Father in Heaven asking for His plan in 2018 for this ministry. Prayer is also vital for our spiritual health, which is our theme this month.

    The Bible mentions prayer more than 870 times. There seems to be a pattern of prayer in the Bible that should get our attention regarding our relationship with the Father. We are to communicate often with Him using His word and prayer. Prayer is not “saying prayers” but rather prayer becomes as natural as breathing as we draw closer to God. Jesus said, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself" (John 12:32, NIV). Therefore “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart...” (Heb. 10:22a, NIV).

    The Bible chronicles some 650 prayers and records 450 answers. The Bible also records 10 major lessons on prayer by Jesus himself during His ministry. His disciples considered prayer training to be essential: “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples" (Luke 11:1, NIV).

    So how important is it to learn how to effectively pray? We miss out on blessings, “...You do not have because you do not ask God” (James 4:2). We could miss out on playing a part in bringing many people to Christ. In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So, pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Jesus wants to use our prayer life as a tool to provide more workers, whether you become someone who is sent, or God uses you to do the sending. Both ways more workers will go and this will continue in fulfilling the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20.

    As we think about Iron Rose Sister Ministries and our spiritual health, the following scriptures can be used as prayer starters. By taking one scripture at a time, it will help in flooding the gates of Heaven for the needed blessings for this ministry, for yourself, and for others.

    Suggested Bible passages as prayer starters:
    • Pray for your enemies. Matt. 5:43-44; Luke 6:27-28
    • Pray in sincerity. Matt. 6:5-8
    • The Model Prayer. Matt. 6:9-15; Luke 11:1-4
    • Ask and it shall be given. Matt. 7:7-12; 1 John 5:13-15; Luke 11:5-13
    • Ask for workers. Matt. 9:35-38; Luke 10:1-2
    • Pray as a group in unity. Matt. 18:18-20
    • Pray for all nations. Mark 11:15-17; Matt. 21:12-13; Luke 19:45-46
    • Always pray and don’t give up. Luke 18:1-8
    • Humble yourself before the Lord. Luke 18:9-14
    • Effective prayer makes the difference. Mark 9:28-29
    • Believe and don’t doubt. Mark 11:20-25; Matt. 21:18-22
    • Don’t pray for show. Mark 12:38-40; Luke 20:47
    • Pray to overcome temptation. Mark 14:38; Luke 22:40, 46; 1 Cor. 10:13
    • Pray in Jesus name and obey His commands. John 14:13-15, 15:7, 15:16, 16:23-27
    • Pray with passion. Heb. 5:7

    All of life’s questions can be answered straight from the Word of God including how to pray. Even when we don’t know what to pray there is help, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans” (Rom. 8:26, ESV).

    We are greatly blessed serving God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that help us pray! While you join us in praying for Iron Rose Sister Ministries, I’m praying for you as you serve Christ and grow in your spiritual health.

    #IronRoseSister #spiritualhealth #prayer #Bibleprayers

  • The five spiritual food groups

    Some days I get overwhelmed by all of the diet or supplement programs that my friends are promoting on Facebook. I rejoice with them in their weight loss and in finding what worked for them. However, there is no one plan that works the same for every single person. We are all different. We are unique. We cannot expect the same results for one person as for another.

    The same concept applies to our spiritual diet. It is different for everyone. There are days in which I need to exercise my spiritual muscles in the Word. Or I am lacking in vitamin “P,” in need of extra prayer.

    My mom was craving vegetables last week—probably a sign that her body needed one of those nutrients.

    Spiritually speaking, we sometimes don’t know what we are craving, but there is a spiritual void that can only be filled by our Creator.

    The five spiritual food groups could be classified as

    • Prayer
    • Bible
    • Fellowship
    • Worship
    • Service

    What element of your spiritual diet do you need an extra dose of today?

  • The perfect remedy for what ails you

    Fearful?Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).

    Isolated? Over 50 “one-another” passages in the New Testament.

    Discontent? Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:18).

    Weak? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

    Distracted?Take captive every thought… (2 Cor. 10:5).

    Discouraged? Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4).

    Negative thoughts? Whatever is true, noble, excellent, praiseworthy… think about such things (Phil. 4:8-9).

    Worried? Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:6-7).

    Burdened? Cast all your cares on him and find rest for your souls, for his yoke is easy and his burden light (Matt. 11:28-30).

  • The perfect remedy for what ails you

    RXFearful? Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).

    Isolated? Over 50 “one-another” passages in the New Testament.

    Discontent? Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:18).

    Weak? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

    Distracted? Take captive every thought... (2 Cor. 10:5).

  • The perfect remedy for what ails you

    Fearful?Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).

    Isolated? Over 50 “one-another” passages in the New Testament.

    Discontent? Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:18).

    Weak? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

    Distracted?Take captive every thought… (2 Cor. 10:5).

    Discouraged? Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4).

    Negative thoughts? Whatever is true, noble, excellent, praiseworthy… think about such things (Phil. 4:8-9).

    Worried? Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:6-7).

    Burdened? Cast all your cares on him and find rest for your souls, for his yoke is easy and his burden light (Matt. 11:28-30).

  • The work of redemption is behind the scenes

    God, where are you? I don’t see you working. Your presence feels far from me. Have you forgotten your servant?

    David asked some of these same questions throughout the book of Psalms. The man after God’s own heart struggled to know that God was near. In other Psalms, David sang God’s praises and described God’s powerful hand at work to defeat his enemies, strengthen him, and fill him with peace through provision.

    It is easy to forget all God has done and a challenge to trust all that he is doing now or will do in the future. We fall victim to Satan’s lies that God is not a living, active presence in our lives—we fail to see God’s hand working all things for good (Romans 8:28).

    Allow me to add some food for thought to this discussion: The book of Esther makes no mention of God in its entire twelve chapters. Does that mean that God is not present in the story? Do Esther and Mordecai save the Jewish nation or does God?

    I think we would all agree that God is very present in the story of Esther. Redemption for his people would’ve been impossible without God’s intervention.

    So, what if God does some of his best redemptive work behind the scenes?

    God is pursuing you; he loves you with an everlasting love; his faithfulness remains through all the storms of life. As in the story of Esther, we may not hear his name directly. But when we tell our stories, his presence is evident, even if is name goes unmentioned.

    Why is it so hard to trust God’s redemptive work is happening behind the scenes?

  • Women's Spiritual Health

    We do various things to improve our health: diet, exercise, vitamins, sleep… Many New Years Resolutions are focused on the goal of better or recuperated health.

    Since my personal health struggles began in 2006, I have spent more time, effort, and energy on my physical health. Because of the diligence and discipline it requires, it can overwhelm my other priorities.

    So, I will ask you the question I have posed to myself at the start of this year: What are you doing to improve your spiritual health?

    The top two things that most help my spiritual health are communication with God (prayer and Scripture) and time with other Christians. These are two of my highest priorities this year. To be specific, I will be reading the One Year Bible for Women, New Living Translation.

    As we begin our discussion of women’s spiritual health this month, what are the top two things that strengthen your spiritual health?

  • Women’s Spiritual Health

    Women Spiritual HealthThis past weekend, English- and Spanish-speaking women gathered at the West Broward Church of Christ for a bilingual event, focused on Women’s Spiritual Health. Thank you to the women who helped coordinate, cook, welcome, translate, host, and took care of other areas behind the scenes. God was gloried through you!
    As we discussed on Saturday, as women, we do various things to improve our health: diet, exercise, vitamins, sleep... But what are you doing to improve your spiritual health?
    The top two things that most help my spiritual health are communication with God (prayer and Scripture) and time with other Christians.
    As we begin our discussion of women’s spiritual health, please share the top two things that strengthen your spiritual health.


Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Headquarters in
Searcy, AR, U.S.A.

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