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  • Ripple Effect in Cuba

    Ana CubaWe all pray that God will use us in powerful ways. We long to make an impact—in the world, in our families, and in our communities. Looking with longing at those who make a more visible impact, we may get jealous of what we see them doing.

    However, the impact made in one life can have a ripple effect to bless, equip, inspire, encourage, and educate another.

    Our prayers of longing to make a difference in this world are not unanswered. We just need to adjust our expectations to align with God’s. It is His timing and His purposes that prevail.

    IRSM’s mission is to equip women to connect to God and one another more deeply, encourage them in their spiritual walk, and inspire them to equip and encourage others. Paul laid out a similar pattern to Timothy in his second letter (2 Tim. 2:2).

    Sometimes, we never see the fruit of our labor. Seeds are planted or watered, but we wait on God to bring the growth in His timing (1 Cor. 3:6).

    At other times, this pattern plays out in a beautiful, inspired way, like with our dear sister Ana in Cuba. I met Ana in August 2017 and we had an instant connection. A hard worker in the kingdom, Ana longed to serve and teach more women in her native country, but felt ill-equipped to do so. Inspired by the classes I taught and equipped with many of our materials, she has made it her own and personifies an Iron Rose Sister to many women across rural Cuba, providing them with resources and inspiring them to share those same resources with others.

    In some classes, she invites them to recognize the lie, replace it with truth, and to remember that truth from God’s Word (inspired by the Lie/Truth Chart from Who Has the Last Word?). During other gatherings, she simply prays with the women and encourages them to listen to God through His Word, through creation, and through other devotional thoughts and questions shared in Called to Listen: Forty Days of Devotion.

    Now, not a week goes by that we don’t have another Cuban sister requesting to receive our blog to their email as an encouragement, equipping them to connect to God and one another more deeply.

    Not all examples of answered prayers are as obvious or glorious as Ana’s story. And they don’t have to be. The impact starts with one.

    So, as you join us in prayer for my potential visit to Cuba this to see my friend Ana and many other Cuban friends and sisters this year, I encourage you to pray this simple song/prayer in your own life.

    Lead me to some soul today.
    Oh, teach me Lord just what to say.
    Friends of mine are lost in sin,
    And cannot find their way.
    Few there are who seem to care
    And few there are who pray (who pray).
    Melt my heart, and fill my life,
    Give me one soul today.
    Words by Will H. Houghton, 1936. Music by Wendell P. Loveless

    #IronRoseSister, #prayer, #impactothers, #leadmetosomesoultoday

  • Samuel and His Intercessory Spirit

    2022 Aileen BonillaWritten by Aileen Bonilla, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador

    Have you ever wondered why you were born? Or what is your purpose in this world? Many people, including believers, find this answer in the professions or careers that this world offers. In no way do I think it is wrong. However, despite having this clear in their minds, when it comes time to put it into practice, they forget what they were really created for. For this reason, as time passes, their lives become meaningless again. Emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual exhaustion begin to gain ground in their lives so they end up feeling empty.

    Today, I want to tell you a little about Samuel, a man appreciated by God. Unbeknownst to him, he was handed over to the Lord since he was in his mother's womb. This child was desired by his mother with all her heart, and Jehovah was pleased to grant this wish to Hannah. She was constantly rejected and mocked because her womb was not "blessed." However, a humbled heart and a promise were enough for the King of kings to grant this wonderful wish (1 Sam. 1:20).

    Hannah, Samuel's mother, decided to give him up for the service of God's people (1 Sam. 1:27). She was aware that it would not be an easy task, quite the contrary. After desiring this miracle so much and for so long, she simply recognized that life without serving God is not worth living. So, giving her child away, even from the womb teaches us much more than we can imagine: Do we want to give our children like this? You can take some time to reflect on this.

    Although they were only going to be together for approximately three years, the period of lactation (1 Sam.1:24), she trusted that God would do something more for her and for her son, since she was totally sure that this child would fulfill an enormous purpose to glorify God.

    Samuel became the last judge of Israel, fulfilled a priestly role despite not being from the tribe of Levi, and he was a prophet among the people. He walked with God every day. He understood that being part of the royal bloodline was no small thing. The priests, judges, and prophets fulfilled an important role before God and that was to intercede—they intervened on behalf of the people. Today, we Christians should also practice something similar, since the Word of God tells us that we are a royal priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9). We can intercede through prayers so that God works on behalf of our brothers and sisters, and the whole world. This act is impressive and His love is so incredible that it allows us to confidently enter before His throne whenever we need His help (Heb. 4:16). And this, my dear reader, is an every day practice. Every day we must go to Him for help, even when everything seems fine.

    Samuel was chosen to intercede for the people of God. He carried Jehovah’s message and correction. He brought words of love and mercy from the Heavenly Father for a barren people with a hard heart, like stone. And as if this were not enough, Samuel returned to the presence of God many times with unprecedented requests that the people made to God. However, Samuel was there asking God for mercy and help for all these people who still did not understand who Jehovah was.

    The same thing happens today. We can see how many times the people of God continue to go astray, but at the same time they continue to claim their blessings. There is no doubt that God is good and His mercy is forever. And Samuel knew this perfectly since, through his temple service, he was able to get to know the living God more closely. Samuel had understood from a very young age what his purpose was on this earth, to serve the King through his gifts. This truth gave meaning to his life. We do not see Samuel complaining about his work, on the contrary, in spite of everything he declares the following: “As for me, I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you. And I will continue to teach you what is good and right.” (1 Sam. 12:23, NLT) That is the true intercessory spirit, it is a spirit full of mercy and love for others. Despite their transgressions, Samuel kept praying for them because he also knew of the enormous power of God.

    To be part of the royal lineage or the priesthood that Christ has given us today is to carry that spirit of mercy to the people of God (1 Pet. 2:9). This will make us grow and mature day by day, carefully observing the need for brotherhood. Just as Samuel gave himself completely to the service of the Lord and learned wonderful things in the same way we can too. The intercessory spirit of Samuel was manifested by the work of the Spirit of God, this is how the Spirit currently intercedes for us before the Father (Rom. 8:16-26).

    Often, we are eager to serve the people of God intensely, but this is hard, demanding and exhausting work. Carrying the spiritual intercession for others on our shoulders is not easy at all. Samuel, despite having been a valuable and very spiritual man, also erred in neglecting his children. Perhaps, he did not do it intentionally, but the consequences of thinking that his children would learn to be like him were terrible, because his children were perverse and corrupt (1 Sam. 8: 1-3); they robbed the people and committed many injustices. This teaches us that we must intercede every day for our children because they should be the first to know Christ so that their lives can be restored.

    Samuel teaches us a lot. He is a character that shows the need that the people of God should pray for everything. Even to make decisions that in our eyes may be small, but that can change our lives forever (Prov. 3:6). He also teaches us that our work for God will always be valuable as long as we do it with a sincere and humble heart, without seeking our own interests. We do not see Samuel claiming possessions, money, fame, position, or recognition; we see Samuel working with integrity, and a lot of respect.

    Samuel had the wonderful blessing of being given over to the only living God, and it gave purpose to his life (1 Sam. 1:10). He was an upright judge and prophet in the eyes of Jehovah, and beyond his trades or professions, he dedicated himself completely to the King. He did not do it out of obligation, he did it because he had known from a very young age that there was only one Kingdom and one God.

    Today I invite you to recognize God, and you can ask him to reign over your life and that of your family. Oh, Beloved Lord, we recognize that without you we are nothing, we recognize that many times we let other things reign over our hearts, and as if that were not enough, we ask you for blessings. Please forgive us and reign over us forever and ever! Amen.

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #Intercesion #Samuel #prayerforothers #guestwriter #blog

  • Thank You, We Need You!

    IRSM needs youToday’s prayer is one of thanksgiving for our generous supporters. You are what makes it possible for God to continue to work  through and in us, equipping women across the Americas. We thank you and we honor you today!

    These reminders of God’s past provision fuel my prayers, like those listed on the calendar for this Friday: for His continued financial provision and more workers. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matt. 9:37).

    When fears arise, my doubts threaten to take over. But then, I identify with Sarah, laughing at my own faith in God’s provision (Gen. 18:12), yet even Abram’s faith was counted to him as righteousness before he was even fully revealed the promise of a son (Gen. 15:6). God is faithful. And I trust He has called us to this task, to meet this need, for such a time as this (Esth. 4:13).

    The growing pains continue, but we are not alone! And we would love for you to join in this equipping journey.

    Want to use your skills and talents in the kingdom? We need people in the following areas to help us equip more women to connect to God and one another more deeply, as Iron Rose Sisters.
    • Marketing
    • Social media
    • Graphic design
    • Video production
    • Small business/nonprofit experience
    • Board of Directors experience
    • PR/Communications
    • Fundraising

    We need your help! I would love to pick your brain, get you involved, partner our passions.
    There are many parts of the body, but one head. When we each do what God has uniquely equipped us to do, He gets the glory and the body does its best work.

    Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do as supporters and prayer warriors for IRSM!

    #IronRoseSister, #prayer, #thanks, #workers, #volunteers

  • Thanks for your prayers!

    2 Corinthians 1:11 “as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”

    I just finished the last hour of the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon. What a blessing!

    Thank you for joining us in prayer for the ways in which God is leading, blessing, guiding, and providing for Iron Rose Sister Ministries. You can go back and look at some of the names and places of people who prayed all across the world if you’d like. It’s exciting to see that reach and many more joined us in prayer than signed up for a time slot.

    This focused time of prayer is not over. Please keep us in your prayers—especially prayers for wisdom.

    Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

    Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

  • The Power of Prayer

    praying handsYears ago, my grandfather wrote a book called Prayer Power. He, and many others in my life, fostered an environment that has valued and emphasized the power of prayer.

    Prayer is one of those intangibles that we sometimes cannot get our heads around. When I was a teenager, I read some of Frank Peretti’s books about spiritual warfare. He illustrates how the power of prayer makes a direct impact on things in the spiritual realm, which then impacts our lives in the physical realm. His fictional narrative is an insight into the world we cannot see with our eyes or fully comprehend. While his books demonstrate one perspective, the concept is scripturally affirmed through Ephesians 6:10-18.

    Look at how the New Living Translation states this truth in Ephesians 6:12.
    For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

    It is a fight and a battle. Each year, during our Prayer Month, Satan’s attacks seem to be more fierce, on a personal, ministry, and other levels.

    However, we should not be surprised. We are taking the battle to the accuser’s front doorstep and reminding him, and ourselves, that he is not in charge, God is. We are not going to fall into the devil’s traps of discouragement, frustration, lack of faith, distraction, or whatever other tools he wants to use. Rather, we will look to God, draw closer to Him, and place all of cares in His capable hands, thanking Him for what He has already done.

    Prayer is about relationship, but it is also about focus and belief. The parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8) reminds us that we must always go to the one who can do something about our situation. And that it is all about faith.
    Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8b)

    Faith, expressed on behalf of others, is one of the most powerful facets of prayer I have ever experienced. Through prayer, we grow closer in our relationship with God, and also our relationships with one another.

    When we go to God on behalf of another, we are united in a way that only God can facilitate. And when we are the ones being lifted in prayer, a burden is lifted from our hearts and spirits. And we can almost tangibly feel our arms and feet being lifted, a weight off our chest, which enables us to take the next step forward in faith.

    Thank you for joining Iron Rose Sister Ministries in prayer this month! We are in this together and in the midst of whatever spiritual battles we are facing, we know and trust that God’s got this. Thanks for lifting us up to Him! And know that we are lifting you up as well.

    #prayingtoIAM #IronRoseSister #IRSM #prayer #Plus1

  • The Power of Prayer

  • The Powerful Privilege of Prayer

    2022 ann thiedeWritten by Ann Thiede, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    I’ve been on a prayer journey for fifty years, from my nineteenth year when embracing Jesus as Lord and Savior until the present. What a glorious journey it has been from a heartfelt wobbly prayer spoken out loud to the God of the universe! I’m so glad to share with you some highlights with the hope that your own journey will be empowered.

    All good relationships involve talking and listening. Early in this journey I began learning the truth of Hebrews 4:12 (NIV): “For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow: it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” God would speak at times to tear down sin in my heart and mind, but also highlight reminders of His unfailing love: “The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel!’” (Jer. 31:3,4 NKJV). I found the power of confession and forgiveness, walking beside King David as he, too, faced the sin he had committed, and I prayed what he penned: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10 ESV).

    Prayer became very personal in difficult times. I’ve loved David’s sentiments in Psalm 23 and learned to pray it first person:
    “Lord, You are my Shepherd; I lack nothing. You make me lie down in green pastures; You lead me beside quiet waters; You refresh my soul. You guide me along the right paths for Your name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff they comfort me…”(taken from Psalm 23 NIV)

    Beyond personal needs, joining our church’s prayer chain as a young mother increased my desire to pray for others. I learned the needs of some I had never met and the value of lifting them up to the Father. Often some would be on the list day after day, week after week, teaching perseverance. Many supplications involved medical/health issues. As I developed closer relationships, prayers were needed for the soul and spirit as well. To counter discouragement or despair, I learned to share Paul’s words: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe” (Eph. 1:18, 19 NIV).

    About ten years ago while traveling with my husband, I began a written list in the iPhone Notes app labeled ‘Prayers.’ The phone was an easy tool as it allowed an immediate way to record people in need. And my memory can be terrible! I did not want to say I’d pray and then forget. The list ballooned and became downright unmanageable. I struggled lifting everyone up daily. So, the thought came to categorize. I bought a lined journal for weekly prayers. Monday became ‘Missions’ to lift up those serving locally and abroad. Tuesday included ‘Cancer and Serious Illness’ and Wednesday, ‘Addictions.’ I won’t share the rest. If you decide to embark on something similar, it will be your Spirit-led categories. I keep the daily categories for a month and then update, making new pages. And I’ve found great joy leaving room at the bottom of each page for praise and thanksgiving when God answers!

    Along with better organizing, God has led me on a journey of greater belief. Would I take Jesus seriously when He spoke such words as “Everything is possible for one who believes!” in Mark 9:23 (NIV) and the beautiful discourse about asking, seeking, knocking and the promise of God giving, the seeker finding, and doors opening (Matt. 7:7-8)? How could I not! These promises became foundational in my prayer life, believing my Father not only heard, but would answer according to His glorious and good will. He has given me solace for those battling with advanced, relentless cancer as supplications continued for comfort, peace and healing, knowing that His perfect plan could mean healing in the next life.

    A few final thoughts: If possible, correspond with people for whom you pray, or sometimes their loved ones, to find out pertinent needs using texts, phone calls, Facebook posts and Messenger. People are blessed when they know you lift them up consistently. Pray specifically, not general prayers. And I prefer a private place to pray out loud, though praying at anytime, anywhere, is our calling. In fact, we’re told to ‘pray continually’ (1 Thes. 5:17 NIV). As we encounter needs, pray. As we see someone’s hurt or pain, reach out and pray, right then and there. As we see beauty in all varieties, pray with praise. Instead of worrying, pray and praise (Phil. 4: 6).

    As you’ve read, what is one thing you will put into practice to strengthen your personal prayer life?

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #intercession #prayer #prayspecifically #praycontinually #prayconsistently #prayforothers #guestwriter #blog

  • The transforming power of prayer

    Prayer. There is nothing more powerful, nothing more transformative, nothing greater to impact a change in our lives and the lives of others than prayer.

    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

    We often pray with a list of requests: I need this; I don’t need this. I want you to do this, but you’ve already done enough in this area… We are demanding and try to control God, presuming that we know more than he.

    Thankfully, we are not as wise as our loving, omniscient heavenly Father who knows what we need before we say it – and he loves to hear from us! He longs for us to approach, calling him Abba, Father.

    We see examples like Abraham and Jacob whose prayers changed the path God was taking in a couple of situations, but that is not what prayer is all about. Prayer is about increasing our faith and growing closer to God – the one in whom we can trust; the one who has the power and love to work in and in spite of our circumstances to his glory.

    The persistent widow (Luke 18) taught us that. She was an example of faith (v. 8) and her persistence was recognized. – not because she continued to repeat her request, but rather because she went to the one who had the power to grant her request.

    A few verses later, we see the example of someone who thought himself unworthy of help. Yet he, too, was honored for his attitude toward prayer. “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)

    May we all be transformed by the power of prayer – not an answered prayer, but the humble act of faith lifted to our Abba, Father.

  • The transforming power of prayer

    Prayer. There is nothing more powerful, nothing more transformative, nothing greater to impact a change in our lives and the lives of others than prayer.

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

    We often pray with a list of requests: I need this; I don’t need this. I want you to do this, but you’ve already done enough in this area… We are demanding and try to control God, presuming that we know more than he.

    Thankfully, we are not as wise as our loving, omniscient heavenly Father who knows what we need before we say it—and he loves to hear from us! He longs for us to approach, calling him Abba, Father.

    We see examples like Abraham and Jacob whose prayers changed the path God was taking in a couple of situations, but that is not what prayer is all about. Prayer is about increasing our faith and growing closer to God—the one in whom we can trust; the one who has the power and love to work in and in spite of our circumstances to his glory.

    The persistent widow (Luke 18) taught us that. She was an example of faith (v. 8) and her persistence was recognized—not because she continued to repeat her request, but rather because she went to the one who had the power to grant her request.

    A few verses later, we see the example of someone who thought himself unworthy of help. Yet he, too, was honored for his attitude toward prayer. “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)

    May we all be transformed by the power of prayer—not an answered prayer, but the humble act of faith lifted to our Abba, Father.

  • Three prayers to kick start your week

    “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Psalm 103:1-5)

    “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-31)

    “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

  • Three prayers to kick-start your day

    “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Psalm 103:1-5)

    “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-31)

    “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

  • Unity and Alliance in Prayer

    Written by Brenda Brizendine, Volunteer Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado 2023 3 Brenda Brizendine

    Have you ever felt like you were carrying the entire weight of planet Earth on your shoulders? Or have you felt a very deep sadness? But what makes these feelings even more troubling is that you don't have any idea why.

    I remember very well one particular day when I felt this way. I can't describe how real that weight felt. All I wanted to do was cry. I was so overwhelmed by this feeling that I couldn't concentrate on anything.

    I wanted to pray and ask God to help me with that weight, but I couldn't complete even a single sentence in prayer, and I didn't know how to ask or what to ask for. But I remember that God directed me to ask for support in prayer from my group of sisters, prayer warriors, who had accompanied me for a long time on my Christian walk.

    It was when I shared my request with them, and we agreed to pray for mercy and for God to take away this overwhelming burden, I was released. Through that unity in prayer, even from miles away, the battle was fought for me, and God freed me from the burden that I was carrying.

    To this day, I can't find a reason for those feelings, but I am very aware of what I felt when that load was being lifted from my shoulders and my heart was being filled with peace and joy as I read the words of prayer that the sisters shared in our group chat.

    Their faith, united in prayer with mine, made something supernatural happen. This reminds me of the passage in Matthew 18:19-20 (NIV)

    “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

    And also, the passage found in James 5:16b, “pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

    The enemy tried to defeat me because he found me alone, but when my heart was united with the hearts of my sisters, something powerful happened. The power of the unity of the family of God once again conquered evil with good, sadness with joy, tribulation with peace.

    It is important that we develop that community of faith. If you've ever seen the movie "Facing the Giants," there's a scene where a group of people come together to pray for the kids at school. Things began to change. Things started to improve. Powerful things begin to happen when we come together in common agreement, and they are asked in the name of Jesus.

    In his novel, This Present Darkness,Frank E. Peretti describes what he imagines our prayers together can do when we are in agreement. It is like clearing the way so that the angels can complete the mission that God has given them.

    I currently meet regularly with a group of friends and sisters to pray over our children. Each week we share specific requests, and together, in single-minded agreement, we share these deep desires with the Father. We have seen many of those requests answered. And we are confident that we will continue to see the Hand of God at work in the lives of our little ones. I encourage you today to find your own prayer group, remembering that where two or more are united in the Name that is above all names, there is the power of the Holy Spirit to work miracles.

    Allow me to share a prayer with you:

    Eternal Father, Great, and Strong You are! I come to you through the Lord Jesus Christ, declaring what Your Word says— that where two or three are gathered together in Your name, there You are in the midst of them. At this moment I come in agreement with my sisters to cry out to You and invoke Your presence. You are Almighty God and for You nothing is impossible. I ask you to take control of our lives and those of our families, keeping us from illness, and supplying us with everything we need in a supernatural way. In the name of Jesus, Father, we humble ourselves and cry out to You for our nations and we ask You to establish Your kingdom. Shower down Your power and glory upon the world, pouring out repentance and conversion on every inhabitant of our countries. Lord, thank You for the power we experience in agreement and help us to maintain unity and keep us from division and strife. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

  • What It Means to Be a Disciple of Christ

    Written by Ann Thiede, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas 2022 Ann Thiede 2

    “Insecure” describes me from my childhood through my teenage years, wanting to fit in, becoming a people-pleaser which led to conflicts within and ungodly choices. I craved relationships—people with whom I could be close and share my heart. Unfortunately, many of my contemporaries during my high school and college days followed the crowd. But, praise God, a few helped me walk toward Christ.

    Matthew, in his gospel, recorded these last words of Jesus:

    All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

    I’m forever grateful for God’s beautiful orchestration through four peers, drawing me to Him and teaching me what it looks like to follow Him. These are some discipleship steps I’ve learned.

    The first step involves getting to know Jesus as you read the Gospels with a hungry, teachable heart, and the willingness to let go of preconceived ideas. In searching for what you believe, you will find Who you believe. I encourage you to read through John’s gospel first, taking note of all of the titles Jesus gives Himself. For example, in John 6:35 He says, “I am the bread of life,” and then “…sothe one who feeds on Me will live because of Me” (6:57b). Ask yourself: What would it look like to feed on Christ?

    The writer of Hebrews says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb.

    Remember my issue of people-pleasing, wanting approval? Jesus wants us to please Him above all others. His desire is to draw us toward His likeness, giving us the courage to talk as He talked, live and love as He lived and loved, and to reach out and share the Good News even as He did.For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). It is the heart of Christ that we who are disciples make disciples by sharing His Good News, studying the Word with those who don’t know Him, planting seeds of faith or watering what others have planted, and watching God bring the increase of souls into the Kingdom.

    Discipleship means adhering to God’s Word first and foremost. Spirit-inspired words throughout the Bible embody truth. Luke records these insightful thoughts: “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts

    Following Christ as His disciple also means walking together in this life with other disciples; encouraging one another, praying with one another, and sharing joy and grief together. Surrendering to Him as Lord and Savior means becoming a part of His Body, the church. Jesus intends for disciples to function together in harmony. I encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 and Romans 12:4-8, both beautiful passages about the church and what your part may be, according to the gifts God has given you. Many disciples over the years have enriched my life, encouraging me to be more like Jesus. These relationships go deep as we share life including our spiritual struggles and victories. The Holy Spirit has taught me the value of Paul’s admonition when he says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). If you desire qualities you see in another person that are Christlike, start asking God!

    As you’ve read, in what area of being a disciple of Jesus do you desire growth?

    • Getting to know Jesus better through the Gospels
    • Developing a consistent prayer life
    • Allowing Him to make changes in your life
    • Making disciples by sharing Christ with others
    • Letting the Word be your guide for truth above all
    • Deepening relationships with other disciples

    Go to Jesus and share with a fellow disciple. And remember, Jesus has promised to be with you, always.

  • What to do before listening?

    Corina DíazWritten by Corina Díaz, volunteer with Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro in Argentina

    The book that bears the name Samuel is divided into two parts, 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. Originally in the Hebrew Bible it was a single book, and its author is the same Samuel, although not in its entirety. A wonderful thing about this book is that it is harmonious in all its essence, starting with its name שְׁמוּאֵל (Šəmûʼēl), which means, “God has heard.” So, from this book come wonderful stories about the way God listens to His people and how He calls them to listen.

    We have three main characters, Samuel, Saul, and David, all connected to each other. All three with similar purposes in the kingdom of God, and they demonstrate the different natures of man before God’s questioning. I love the way that God manifests Himself through three different responses to their requests: Yes, no, and wait.

    Samuel, was the answer to Hannah’s prayer, a woman who was willing to heed God's call (1 Sam. 1:9-11). She conceived her son Samuel, whom she consecrated to the temple and to God’s service (1 Sam. 2:11). Samuel was a complete instrument of God's plan, and an example of someone who had to wait on many occasions.

    Saul, was the first king, and although he was chosen according to God's designs, his personal purpose was different. He is the perfect example of someone who does not want to listen to God, also of someone to whom God says no (1 Sam. 13).

    Finally, we have David, a man after God's heart, who heard his call and recognized God's mercy in his life; a sinful person like you and me, who opened his heart and to whom God constantly responded with a Yes! at his requests (1 Sam. 20).

    So, we clearly see that there are only three possible answers to the requests of our heart (yes, no, wait), all we need is to have the ability to hear that answer. These three men listened to God in different ways, and we see the results of their own actions. But what do we need to do to listen to God?

    Think for a moment, how can you listen or understand the point of what someone wants to tell you? The best way is by knowing the person. The more you share and connect with a person, you can almost predict his/her movements and looks. Has it happened to you? You are in a group and suddenly you cross eyes with your friend, your husband or your child and you already know what is about to happen. That is how our relationship with God also works, the more we know Him and the more we spend time with Him, the more we can listen and understand His responses to our requests.

    God's desire for us is to stay connected with Him, and He has a wonderful promise for us.

    Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you remain in My word, then you are truly My disciples. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:31-32 MEV)

    The more we know and listen to Him, the more we will know His will in our lives!

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #prayer #bookofSamuel #yesnowait #guestwriter


  • What we are praying for today

    Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon today!

    Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Calendar was shared at the beginning of the month.

    (Or click here if you would prefer a downloadable PDF of this Prayer Guide.)

    ·     Thanksgiving

    o  Equipping over 2,000 women in 2015 with the tools to connect to God and one another more deeply

    o  A new home base for IRSM in Searcy, Arkansas

    o  Katie Finch as summer intern in 2015

    o  Hiring Erica Peck as part-time assistant: Volunteer and Book Distribution Coordinator

    o  A fruitful trip to Nicaragua in January with multiple teaching opportunities and an 18-minute interview on national Nicaraguan television

    o  The doors God has opened:

    § Women’s Online Growth Group live tele-class, teaching Human AND Holy for 13 weeks, starting March 22, 6:30pm CST. Register at to receive the phone number to call in for the live class.

    § Luz para las Rosas (Light for the Roses) IRSM 2-3 minute radio spot for women in Spanish on La Voz Alegre(World Christian Broadcasting Spanish Program)—recording more spots in April

    ·     Women’s Bible Study Resources

    o  Women across the Americas, in small groups and individually studying Human AND Holy / Humano Y Santo, In God’s Right Hand / En la mano derecha de Dios

    o  Writing for the 3nd book: Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word

    ·     Requests

    o  God’s Blessing for

    § Your local women’s ministry

    § Women’s ministries across the Americas

    § The impact we can make in the kingdom, in families, in churches, and in communities

    § IRSM Board of Directors

    § IRSM Supporters

    o  God’s Guidance and Wisdom

    § That God will lead us to the right opportunities and open doors for growth, and the resources to make it possible

    § To reach even more women with the tools to connect with God and one another more deeply

    § For the unconfirmed fall trips to Latin America

    o  God’s Protection

    § Blessings of health and safety for Michelle when she travels

    o  God’s Provision

    § Financial: Churches and individuals

    § Workers

    ·     Grad Intern, Lydia McReynolds, starting mid-May

    ·     We would love for YOU to get involved!

    ·     Speaking Engagements:

    o  March 4-5, North County Church of Christ, Escondido, CA, (bilingual event) Falling in Love with Jesus

    o  March 18-19, North Atlanta Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA (bilingual)

    o  April 9, Village Church of Christ, Hot Springs Village, AR, (English), Denim and Pearls

    o  April 23, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, TN, (Spanish), Perfecting ourselves to serve

    o  May 27-28, Women Workers Renewal Retreat, Miami, FL (Spanish)

    o  June 17-19, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX, (bilingual) Falling in Love with Jesus

    o  June 30—July 3, Equip Conference, Orlando, FL (English & Spanish)

    o  July 24-30, Health Talents International, Guatemala

    o  September 25-28, Harding Lectureships, two classes for women’s track (English)

    o  October 28-29, Tahlequah Church of Christ, area-wide Hispanic Women’s Retreat (Spanish)

    ·     Booths Promoting IRSM

    o  March 19, Women’s Online Growth Group Brunch, Atlanta, GA

    o  April 15-16, Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS

    o  May 3-6, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, Malibu, CA

    o  June 30—July 3, Equip Conference, Orlando, FL (English & Spanish)

    o  September 25-28, Harding Lectureships

  • What We Are Praying for Today

    2017 prayer a thonWhat we are lifting to God in prayer today on behalf of Iron Rose Sister Ministries
    Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon, Friday, February 24!
    Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Guide was shared at the beginning of the month.
    • The doors God has opened to bless and equip more than 2,500 women annually across the Americas. And all the God stories!
    • Prayer Warriors, Financial Supporters, and our Board of Directors
    • Erica Peck, part-time Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator; Mackenzie Lancaster, 2017 summer intern; all of our volunteers and travel partners!
    • Listening to God as a ministry and as individuals
    • God’s wisdom in IRSM growth and direction
    • God’s provision: financial and workers
    • The impact God can make in the kingdom through IRSM: families, churches, individuals, and the world
    Speaking Engagements
    • February 18 – Online Seminar through Texas International Bible Institute
    • February 24-25 – WINGS, Harding University, Searcy, AR
    • March 5 – Sunday morning Bible class in Spanish, Northwest Church of Christ, Denver, CO
    • March 8 – Kick-off of Who Has the Last Word? study, Northwest Church of Christ, Denver, CO

  • What we're praying for - 24 hour Prayer-a-thon

    Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon, Tuesday, February 24!

    Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Guide was shared at the beginning of the month. (Downloadable PDF of this list for easy printing.)

    ·     Women’s Bible Study Resources

    o  Writing for the 2nd book to be contracted with a traditional publishing company: Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word

    o  Writing for a 6-week study on God’s Right Handto be self-published this year.

    o  Women currently studying Human AND Holy / Humano Y Santoacross the Americas

    ·     Thanksgiving

    o  Non-profit status approved last year

    o  Reaching all 19 Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and over half of the 50 U.S. States

    o  The doors God has opened thus far

    § Luz para las Rosas (Light for the Roses) IRSM 2-3 minute radio spot for women in Spanish on La Voz Alegre(World Christian Broadcasting Spanish Program)

    ·     Requests

    o  God’s Provision

    § Financial: Churches and individuals

    § Workers

    ·     Intern in Denver, Katie Finch, June 8 – July 29

    ·     We would love for YOU to get involved!

    o  God’s Blessing for

    § Your local women’s ministry

    § Women’s ministries across the Americas

    § The impact we can make in the kingdom, in families, in churches, and in communities

    § IRSM Board of Directors

    § IRSM Supporters

    o  God’s Guidance

    § That God will lead us to the right opportunities and open doors for growth, and the resources to make it possible

    § To reach even more women with the tools to connect with God and one another more deeply

    ·     Speaking Engagements:

    o  March 13-14, Eastside Church of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO, Hope Renewed: Victorious and Joyful in Battle

    o  April 4, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, TN, (Spanish), Victorious Women

    o  April 17-19, Wonder Woman Conference, Parkway Church of Christ, Sacramento, CA, Marvelous, Wonderful, Wise: Human AND Holy (English & Spanish), Single and Lovin’ It (Mostly), Falling in Love with Jesus

    o  May 11-14, Baxter Lectureships, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, (Spanish)

    o  May 16-17, Cole Mill Rd Church of Christ, Raleigh-Durham, NC (Spanish on Sat, English on Sun), Sisters Connected in Christ

    o  July 9-12, International Gathering of Churches of Christ, Orlando, FL (Spanish), Women’s Spiritual Health

    o  August 20-22, Health Talents International, Guatemala, Philippians

    o  October 1-4, Destination Retreat, Larkspur, CO, In the Hands of the Divine Gardener

    o  October 24 or 31, Redentor Church of Christ, Buenos Aires, Argentina, mini-retreat

    o  October 24 or 31, Cochabamba Church of Christ, Bolivia, Ladies’ Day

    o  November 7, Churches of Christ in Chile National Ladies’ Day in Santiago, Chile

    ·     Booths Promoting IRSM

    o  April 17-18, Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS

    o  May 5-8, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, Malibu, CA


  • When Prayer Redefines When and How you Fulfill a Dream…

    Michelle Eng blog 2.24.2021Written by Michelle J. Goff

    When Iron Rose Sister Ministries first began in 2013, Board President, Katie Forbess, and I, Founder, Michelle J. Goff, knew that God had called us to greater things than we could imagine (John 14:12). Yet we did take the time to verbalize some of what we imagined as dreams and long-term goals, asking God constantly, through prayer, to reveal when would be the right time to fulfill them, drop them, or redefine them.

    To explain some of that foresight and vision God provided, when initially registering the name of the nonprofit in Colorado, Iron Rose Sister Ministries was chosen, for multiple reasons. Iron, like iron sharpening iron from Proverbs 27:17. Rose from the uniqueness of the roses in God’s garden, each in different stages of their growth, and more beautiful together, in spite of our thorns. Sister because of how we are sisters in Christ, but also left in the singular for two reasons: 1) We each have a personal responsibility to be that Iron Rose Sister in other women’s lives, and 2) in Spanish, the plural for sister, “hermanas,” as a term that, when used by itself, also means “nuns,” which we are not! Finally, Ministries, in the plural because the English name and U.S. based registered nonprofit would be the parent company (or “big sister”) for other ministries in other languages over time.

    Along with the initial registration of our name, we also registered the name Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro, the Spanish equivalent, (Hermana-Sister, Rosa-Rose, and Hierro-Iron). But if you notice, Ministerio is the singular form (not MinisterioS). This is because it is one of the “little sister” companies of Iron Rose Sister Ministries.

    Since the beginning, we have placed a priority on providing the same resources in English and in Spanish, in addition to the ways we modeled the use of those materials in bilingual contexts. Over time, we have seen how different needs in each language have altered some of our offerings in each language, for example, publishing the Spanish blog three days/week and the English blog only once weekly.

    We are now also privileged to introduce Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro, the Portuguese branch as we begin, in the first part of this year, to roll out Portuguese materials! The need for Portuguese resources to equip the more than 106.5 million women in Brazil has been on our radar since “across the Americas” has always been a facet of our primary vision statement. However, we did not envision what God would do to open doors in Portuguese-speaking Africa, specifically in Angola and Mozambique!

    We have partnered with Luso African Missions Partners International (Luso is like saying Portuguese-speaking in Africa). Their purpose is to help facilitate the translation of Bible study materials into Portuguese. LAMP, Int’l’s director, Nathan Holland, and I have been discussing the need for Portuguese women’s materials for years, but during COVID shut-downs, the timing was right for LAMP, Int’l to initiate their services and for Iron Rose Sister Ministries to partner with them, as well as develop our own Portuguese Team. There will be an International edition of the books, highlighting the African dialects. And the Brazilian edition, which will be distributed in Brazil and in the U.S. A new Portuguese-speaking mission team in south Florida is excited to receive these resources, as well.

    “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Prov. 19:21)

    This proverb comes to mind as I reflect on the way God has used prayer to guide, and even transform the timing and the direction of the initial dreams. Prayer has been integral in the redefining that has taken place in Iron Rose Sister Ministries and her “sister” ministries:Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro and Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro. It is our prayer that God continue to redefine our dreams and guide us each step of the way.

    A special thank you to our Iron Rose Sisters and Iron Rose Sister Ministries Partners all across the world who continue to dream and grow with us through your prayers and your support!

  • With faith and prayer like a child

    I love to hear children pray. Their simple requests and childlike faith remind me that no prayer is too small or too big for God.

    • “Dear God, thank you for my family. And my dog. And my blanket. And my Legos. And my mac ‘n cheese. And my juice…”
    • “Dear God, please heal Nana. She’s sick and it makes daddy sad.”
    • “Dear God, please make the monsters go away. They’re scary.”
    • “Dear God, thank you for my new shoes that help me run super-fast!”
    • “Dear God, my puppy is lost. And I miss my puppy. I want him to come home. Please keep him safe and help him come home soon.”
    • “Dear God, please help me obey my mommy and daddy. Sometimes it’s hard, but when I disobey, it makes mommy sad.”

    The honesty, vulnerability, and trust that a child places in God through their simple prayers are an example of the spirit with which we should approach our Heavenly Father.

    Here are a few things I learn from faith-filled, childlike prayers:

    • Nothing is too small for us to give Him thanks.
    • God is the ultimate healer and Great Physician.
    • God shares in our sorrow.
    • God protects us and calms our fears.
    • God rejoices with us in the small things.
    • God longs for all those we love to come home to Him.
    • God honors our confession of sin, forgives us, and strengthens us to not sin the next time.

    What do childlike prayers remind you about the character of God and your approach to Him in prayer?

  • With faith like a child... With prayer like a child

    with faith like a childI love to hear children pray. Their simple requests and childlike faith remind me that no prayer is too small or too big for God.
    “Dear God, thank you for my family. And my dog. And my blanket. And my Legos. And my mac ‘n cheese. And my juice...”
    “Dear God, please heal Nana. She’s sick and it makes daddy sad.”
    “Dear God, please make the monsters go away. They’re scary.”
    “Dear God, thank you for my new shoes that help me run super-fast!”
    “Dear God, my puppy is lost. And I miss my puppy. I want him to come home. Please keep him safe and help him come home soon.”
    “Dear God, please help me obey my mommy and daddy. Sometimes it’s hard, but when I disobey, it makes mommy sad.”
    The honesty, vulnerability, and trust that a child places in God through their simple prayers are an example of the spirit with which we should approach our Heavenly Father.


Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


Get in Touch!

Office phone and WhatsApp text: +1 501-593-4849
Or Email us

Headquarters in
Searcy, AR, U.S.A.

In Photos

See more photos on our Photo Gallery page.