Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon, Tuesday, February 24!
Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Guide was shared at the beginning of the month. (Downloadable PDF of this list for easy printing.)
· Women’s Bible Study Resources
o Writing for the 2nd book to be contracted with a traditional publishing company: Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word
o Writing for a 6-week study on God’s Right Hand to be self-published this year.
o Women currently studying Human AND Holy / Humano Y Santo across the Americas
· Thanksgiving
o Non-profit status approved last year
o Reaching all 19 Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and over half of the 50 U.S. States
o The doors God has opened thus far
§ Luz para las Rosas (Light for the Roses) IRSM 2-3 minute radio spot for women in Spanish on La Voz Alegre (World Christian Broadcasting Spanish Program)
· Requests
o God’s Provision
§ Financial: Churches and individuals
§ Workers
· Intern in Denver, Katie Finch, June 8 – July 29
· We would love for YOU to get involved!
o God’s Blessing for
§ Your local women’s ministry
§ Women’s ministries across the Americas
§ The impact we can make in the kingdom, in families, in churches, and in communities
§ IRSM Board of Directors
§ IRSM Supporters
o God’s Guidance
§ That God will lead us to the right opportunities and open doors for growth, and the resources to make it possible
§ To reach even more women with the tools to connect with God and one another more deeply
· Speaking Engagements:
o March 13-14, Eastside Church of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO, Hope Renewed: Victorious and Joyful in Battle
o April 4, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, TN, (Spanish), Victorious Women
o April 17-19, Wonder Woman Conference, Parkway Church of Christ, Sacramento, CA, Marvelous, Wonderful, Wise: Human AND Holy (English & Spanish), Single and Lovin’ It (Mostly), Falling in Love with Jesus
o May 11-14, Baxter Lectureships, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, (Spanish)
o May 16-17, Cole Mill Rd Church of Christ, Raleigh-Durham, NC (Spanish on Sat, English on Sun), Sisters Connected in Christ
o July 9-12, International Gathering of Churches of Christ, Orlando, FL (Spanish), Women’s Spiritual Health
o August 20-22, Health Talents International, Guatemala, Philippians
o October 1-4, Destination Retreat, Larkspur, CO, In the Hands of the Divine Gardener
o October 24 or 31, Redentor Church of Christ, Buenos Aires, Argentina, mini-retreat
o October 24 or 31, Cochabamba Church of Christ, Bolivia, Ladies’ Day
o November 7, Churches of Christ in Chile National Ladies’ Day in Santiago, Chile
· Booths Promoting IRSM
o April 17-18, Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS
o May 5-8, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, Malibu, CA