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listen roseThe One whose powerful utterances created light, who declared all He created “good,” and breathed the breath of life to form man from the dust of the earth and woman from his rib, is Creator.

In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence. The Eternal Being, who was, and is, and is to come, exercised authority over all creation; His commanding voice created life.

Elohim, God Almighty, also spoke to Adam and Eve. Instructions were given in order that they might always be able to eat from the Tree of Life. They walked and talked in the Garden of Eden.

The Creator of heaven and earth knew what is best for His creation, yet He still granted free will—a choice to trust Him and be in relationship with Him, or to reject His spoken word and distrust His teaching.

As amazing as it is for the Creator to have created all He did, simply by using His voice, what is equally if not more impressive is that He listens.

I AM, YHWH, LORD, as we later learn is His name, not only speaks, but He listens.

How can the clay say anything to the Potter? The Potter knows what the best form for His art is. The Divine Gardener knows when and where to plant, what to prune... How can a rose bush dare ask why He does what He does?

Yet repeatedly, throughout Scripture and in our own lives, we are invited to speak to the One who listens. The opportunity for relationship is with a God who listens. He listens so loudly that He sent His Son, The Word, to earth in order to demonstrate the depth of His relational and sacrificial love, hearing our hearts and knowing our needs.

As we focus on Listening to I AM and Listening to Others, let’s follow I AM’s example of listening:

1. Let’s listen loudly to creation. It speaks of Who He Is.

2. Let’s listen loudly to the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. It speaks of What He knows.

3. Let’s listen loudly to one another and hear each other’s hearts. It speaks of How He loves.

And when we are unable to listen, may we remember that when we speak, the Creator is listening loudly, and continues to love.

#IronRoseSister #listentoIAM #CalledtoListen #Listentoothers



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