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You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:

Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

Victory for a Venezuelan – finding Harina Pan and toilet paper at the grocery store
Victory for a homeless person – clean socks and a hot meal
Victory for an insomniac – a good night’s rest
Victory for a depressed person – getting out of bed
Victory for a college student – a passing grade in a most-challenging class
Victory for a new mom – six uninterrupted hours of sleep or a solo trip to the grocery store
Victory for a teenager – a text from the guy you’ve secretly had a crush on
Victory for an addict – sobriety from their addiction, one day or decision at a time

We should not minimize the victories of others. Their struggles may not be the same as ours, but we can rejoice together in the victory. There is no small victory – it means we have overcome a challenge or a difficult time.

How would you define victory in your life?

Tomorrow – how God designed the ultimate victory!



Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


Get in Touch!

Office phone and WhatsApp text: +1 501-593-4849
Or Email us

Headquarters in
Searcy, AR, U.S.A.

In Photos

See more photos on our Photo Gallery page.