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Iron Rose Single Sisters eNews

Singleness is not a requirement to sign up for this newsletter. We will share specific news and opportunities related to One Single Reason, as well as occasional encouragement.




Audiobook promo imageIt's here!!! Our first audiobook, One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women, is now available on:

We cannot wait to hear the ways in which many more people are equipped in this conversation about one of the most neglected populations in our churches: single and single-again women. Allow us to share two comments from women who bought the paperback this past weekend.

“This is the first book for singles that I have read that is actually for single adults, not teenagers, expecting them to get married at 18 and start having babies. Thank you.”
“I have two daughters in their twenties who are single, and I am excited to read this book in order to know how to better understand them and support them.”

Thanks for rejoicing with us and spreading the word!

With God at the head of the table, we will seek wisdom and examples from His Word to guide us as we each pull up a chair and join the conversation, One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women.

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Now available!

OSR Cover ENGOne Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women

A book written to single and single-again women, One Single Reason is written for everyone who wants to engage in more meaningful conversations and relationships. With God at the head of the table, we will seek wisdom and examples from His Word to guide us as we each pull up a chair and join the conversation. We will dialogue about how we can live out love, for God and for others, since love truly is our one single reason.

A single woman herself, author Michelle J. Goff has been blessed with the unique opportunity to walk with thousands of women throughout her career in full-time ministry. In each of the ministry contexts she has served, she has noted that among the most underrepresented groups in church conversations are single women. Through surveys, interviews, personal experiences, consultations, and biblical research, Michelle gives single women a voice, inviting everyone into this conversation. 

We also have a BOGO special: Buy One, Gift One for half price. We will send the second book to a sister in Latin America when you choose this option! 


Research Documentation and Statistical Summaries of Results


OSR C FRONTOne Single Reason: Congregational Strategies from Conversations with Single Women

This resource for church leaders is one section of a larger work, One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women. Single women (never married) and single-again women (divorced, separated, or widowed) are given a voice through summarized survey and interview responses, specifically shared for a congregational context.

A single woman herself, author Michelle J. Goff has been blessed with the unique opportunity to walk with thousands of women throughout her career in full-time ministry. In each of the ministry contexts she has served, she has noted that among the most underrepresented groups in church conversations are single women. With God at the head of the table, we seek wisdom and examples from His Word to guide us as we each pull up a chair and join the conversation. Love—for God and for others—is our one single reason to engage in this open dialogue through authentic relationships.

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Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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