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You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:

Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

Llamada a escuchar Facebook group

EliuthIn 2018, Michelle conducted a virtual seminar in Spanish on the importance of listening, especially to God. Women were inspired to listen through an exercise that day on Zoom, then shared in small breakout groups what they had learned. Then, the ladies were invited to participate in the Forty Days of Devotion together, using our blog, sharing what they learned through a private Facebook group.

Eliuth de Valencia in Colombia attended that seminar and participated in that first group. Subsequently, she was inspired and equipped to begin her own group via WhatsApp that also posted illustrations of what they had been hearing through the Facebook group.




Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


Get in Touch!

Office phone and WhatsApp text: +1 501-593-4849
Or Email us

Headquarters in
Searcy, AR, U.S.A.

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